The history of film

By KaylaA
  • A bet

    A bet
    The history of film started with a bet. A group of rich men were sitting watching horses when one said that a horse running at top speed had all their hooves off he grond. The others disagreed and the man bet 25,000 dollars on it. They set up camera to catch the horse and sure enough, at some point all its hooves were off the ground. The movemet of the pictures inspired what we now call motion pictures.
  • The first theater

    The first theater
    The first theater was made by Thomas edison. He invented projecters but figured he'd make more money by having individual people watch, and not making it availabe for multiple people to see. The Lumiere Brothers were the first people to make projecters open to the public. They called this, Cinemotographe, which we now call, cinematograhy.
  • First true motion picture

    First true motion picture
    Workers Leaving the Lumiere factory in Lyon or, La sortie de I'Usine Lumiere a Lion, is considered the first true motion picture. It was made in 1895. It was made by Louis Lumiere.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    This was the first short film with a story line. It was created by Thomas Edison and Edwin Porter. In the film, A real story line, crosscutting between different narrative sequences, and different camera positions were all intorduced into film
  • Film Monopoly

    Film Monopoly
    It wasn't long before people began to realize how much money could be made off of films. Thomas Edison, along with several other film companies, created a trust known as the motion pictures patent company. If other companies tried to compete, the MPPC would quickly shut them down. Rough tactics aside, they did establish film standardsand create an internationally competitive film industry.
  • Influence

    What is said to be one of the most influencial movies in history is known as "The Birth of a Nation". It has signifacance for being one of the first movies to tell about an earlier time, the history of america.
  • Silence

    During this era of film, most films were silent. The only way to create sound was to have people on sides of the theater creating sounds by hitting the walls or someting related. The first film ever to have actual sound in it, was "The Jazz Singer". It was made with a Vitaphone, which was the leading brnd of sound-on-disc technology.
  • Animation

    The first full length animated film in history is "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". It ws a movie created by Walt Disney in 1937. It's the first ever animated film that lasted the lentgh of a movie.
  • Hollywood

    The reason most films these day take place in hollywood is because of two reasons. One reason is because of the weather. In southern California, the weather is usually sunny and barely rains, perfect for film making.Another reason was that it was close to Mexico. If the MPPC came after film inddustries in California, they could take their thingsand escape to Mexico.
  • Actors & Actresses

    Actors & Actresses
    Another way the MPPC thought they could make more money was by not putting their actorsnames after the movie. The reason this was was because if the actors became stars than they might demand more money for their services. Smaller, independant compaines however always features their actors, such as Charlie Chaplin, and Mary Pickford. This caused people to want to watch their films more often due to having favorite actors/ actresses
  • Toy Story

    Toy Story
    This film is also a very significant film. Made in 1995, it's the very first movie ever to be made completely on computers.