The History of Croquet

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    The Potato Famine

    Ireland was struck with the famous potato famine during this time period. Croquet could have gained popularity due to the fact that it was simple and inexpensive to play.
  • The Creation

    The Creation
    In the middle of the century in the 1800's,Miss MacNagten from France noticed a game the peasents were playing "With hoops made of willow rods and mallets of broomsticks inserted into pieces of wood." This woman would later spread the game to Ireland where a man named Mr. Spratt would increase its popularity amongst the nations citizens.
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    Croquet's unofficial decade

    Croquet became popular amongst women during this decade. It allowed them to be outdoors in the company of men. No official rules were published until Walter Jones Whitmore took the initiative.
  • The Migration of Croquet

    The Migration of Croquet
    Due to the Potato Famine, Irish immigrants began searching for work in other places than Ireland. When they came to America, as well as other European countries, they brought with them the game of Croquet.
  • Walter Jones Whitmore and "The Field"

    Walter Jones Whitmore and "The Field"
    Walter Jones Whitmore, or the "Father of Croquet", took it upon himslef to pioneer the game of Croquet. He published a set of rules referred to as "The Field" in which he discussed different tactics as well as hand-colored diagrams and different strokes.
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    The popularity in America

    Throughout the next 20 years, Croquet's popularity in America would greatly increase. Clubs were being created all over the East Coast. The NACA or National American Croquet Association was created in 1882, resulting in competition between 25 clubs around the New York area.
  • All England Croquet Club

    All England Croquet Club
    The All England Croquet Club was a group of people focused on creating a controlling body of Croquet as well as unify the rules. They leased four acres in Wimbledon. Later, around 1875-1880, the popularity in Croquet decreased, resulting in one acre of the land being used for lawn tennis. From there, tennis' popularity skyrocketed. The argument could be made that if it weren't for the All England Croquet Club and their land in Wimbledon, tennis would have never become popular.
  • Croquet and the Olympics

    Croquet and the Olympics
    Croquet was introduced in the 1900 Olympic games, and played again in the 1904 Olympic games. Disagreements on the rules from English and American Croquet players resuleted in its elimination from the Olympics.
  • The Depression and Croquet today

    The Depression and Croquet today
    Due to the Depression, Croquet lost much of it's popularity in America. It wasn't seriously picked up again until the 1960's, when serious clubs on the West and East coasts united the rule seperations of years past. Still today, Croquet can be found in suburban lawns across America.