
The History of books.

  • 7979 BCE

    The beginning

    The beginning
    It all started with drawings embedded in the walls of the caves in which man used to shelter. There is no specific date of this, but it is considered to have appeared since the appearance of man, about 10000 years ago. I take it as written because that's how it all started...
  • 4000 BCE


    The first writings themselves were the hieroglyphics of ejipcia culture. 4,000 years before Christ approximately.
  • 401 BCE

    A start.

    A start.
    Thus, the new cultures were gradually created by their own writing and their own language, but the most relevant for the beginning of books as we know them today, are the languages that matter mainly to us are Chinese and Latin. (please don't take disclosure to date).
  • 400 BCE

    Beginnings in China.

    Beginnings in China.
    The silk book with astronomical themes written for 400 a. C. in China.
  • May 11, 868

    The first big step.

    The first big step.
    1,153 years ago, Chinese Wang Jie authorized the printing and distribution of The Diamond Sutra, the oldest known printed book.
  • 1207


    Over time, writing evolved, but not so much as to create newspapers, by which they took care to keep the inhabitants up to date with the things that happened were the minstrel. This counted the exploits of the "heroes"... Later, people like Per Abatt who were looking for old minstrels to gather all their exploits and put them together in a story, like "The Song of Mio Cid".
  • 1400

    Guterberg's bible.

    Guterberg's bible.
    Guterberg's bible was printed approximately 600 years after "the diamond sutra." this bible is considered the first large-scale printed book using the mobile type system in Europe. It was published in mMaguncia, Germany. The Gutenberg Bible, also known as the 42-line Bible or Mazarin Bible.
  • 1400

    The printing press.

    The printing press.
    Until 1450 and even in later years, the books were disseminated in copies handwritten by Amanuenses, many of whom were monks and friars dedicated exclusively to prayer and the replica of copies commissioned by the clergy or kings and nobles. And Gunterberg's attempt to print more bibles left him ruined.
  • 1472

    First printing presses and books in Latin America.

    First printing presses and books in Latin America.
    On the Peninsula, the first printing press was installed in Segovia in 1472, and his first book is the Synodal of Aguilafuente. In New Spain, the first printing press was established in Mexico in 1539. In Central America, the first book is Treaty on the Cultivation of Indigo, printed precisely in blue ink. In the Viceroyalty of Peru, the first book is The Christian Doctrine (Lima, 1584).
  • Currently.

    Nowadays it is easier for us to print books, create them, get one, even read them on our technological devices, either by applications such as: Wattpad or Booknet (or at least I use them), some book purchased online, etc. We have more ease, although now we do not take advantage of it so much, today for most teenagers and also adult, reading is boring, We have to take advantage of the advantages that we now have and nourish our brain more.
    (The image is from the first book series I read <3)