The History of Animation

  • The Phenakistoscope

    The Phenakistoscope
    This is the Phenakistoscope. This is considered the first actual animation device. It was discovered in 1832 by a man named Joseph Plateau. The device made a fluid illusion of animation.
  • The Praxinoscope

    This new invention was founded in December of 1844. This was an animation device. It was founded by Emile Reynaud, and what it did is used a strip of pictures, placed them around the surface of a cylinder, and made it spin.
  • The Cinematograph

    The Cinematograph
    The Cinematograph is a film camera as well as a film projector/developer. The Lumiere brothers are considered to be the first filmmakers in history. Their invention was created in 1862.
  • The celluloid

    The celluloid
    H.W. Goodwin made a celluloid film. It holds images. Gum cotton and gum camphor is what he made it out of. This invention was made in 1887.
  • Kinetoscope

    After H.W Goodwin's experiment was created, Thomas Edison came up with the Kinetoscope. It is able to produce film pictures on the wall. It uses multiple wheels to make the pictures.
  • Animated Film

    Animated Film
    Emile Cohl, a frenchman made a film called "Fantasmagorie". It became extremely popular and became the first true animated film. This was created in 1908
  • Rotoscoping

    This is form of animation. It's a 2D animation technique where the animator traces over some footage frame by frame to create an animation. Rotoscoping was invented in 1917.
  • Walt Disney

    Walt Disney
    Walter Elias Disney, also know as Walt, created a company with his brother call "The Walt Disney Productions". This company is most famous for the character Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney did the voice over for the character. Walt won many awards including Emmys. This occurred in October of 1923.
  • Warner Bros. Studio

    Warner Bros. Studio
    In 1930, Looney Tunes, a show, was meant to be a spin off that was made by Disney. It quickly became extremely popular. Warner Bros. create music, television shows, and more.
  • Characters

    Several characters such as Woody Woodpecker, Mighty Mouse, and Tom and Jerry were created soon after the famous Mickey Mouse , and began to sky rocket. They started becoming quite popular in the year 1940. Some of these characters were on Looney Tunes and Disney.
  • 2D Vector Graphics

    2D Vector Graphics
    The way vector graphics function is by using points, lines, etc. to build a image. The image can be scaled as many times as it wants, and it won't lose any quality. this was founded in January 1950
  • Computer generated movies

    Computer generated movies
    A man, Ed Catmull, made a way of making computer generated movies. It used scripting language. Instead of having to go the movies to observe a film, you could watch them on your computer. This was created in 1972.