History of animation

The history of animation

  • The magic lantern

    The magic lantern
    consisting of a translucid oil painting, a simple lens and a candle or lantern. this object would be used tom convince people that they were witnessing the supernatural.
  • The Thaumatrope

    The Thaumatrope
    A simple toy used in the victorian era. The thaumatrope was a simple device that consisted of a circular disc and a striong through the center of it. when the string twirled the images on both sides of the disc appered to move.
  • The Phenakistope

    The Phenakistope
    This device consited of a cirular disc witha set of images on it. it would be spun and appear to be in motion.
  • The Zoetrope

    The Zoetrope
    Impoved on the phenakistope by allowing multiple people to view the images being projected
  • The flip book

    The flip book
    Simply using a group of pages that sprung together, the flip book would have a set of images that, when flipped, would apper to move.
  • The Praxinoscope

    The Praxinoscope
    In france this device allowed for the first screening of an animation. basically it is a prehistoric movie theatre.
  • First fully animated film

    First fully animated film
    The first fully animated film ever came out, it was called humorus phases of funny faces. It consisted of chalk pictures run in sequence to form moving picture
  • Snow white and the seven dwarfes

    Snow white and the seven dwarfes
    First fully animated feature film ever. created by Walt Disney this movie won and oscar.
  • Disney makes more movies

    Disney makes more movies
    Disney creates the movie pinocchio and fantasia. these two movie become iconic for the franchise
  • CGI animation

    CGI animation
    The first CGI full length movie was created. Pixar's Toys story wowed audiences with a full CGI movie.