
The History of 1600-2001

  • The House of Burgesses & Slaves

    The House of Burgesses & Slaves
    The first american assembly met in Virginia. They were also the first legislative assembly in the United States. It was held in the Jamestown Church in the summer of 1619! Also the first slaves finally got to go somewhere and it was Jamestown. It's significant because it was the first assembly held in the U.S!!
  • Period: to

    Time Span!

  • George Washington 1st President of united States

    George Washington 1st President of united States
    George Washington was elected president on February 4, 1789. He had was also the leader fot the Continental Congresses. George W. commanded the army and then they defeated the Brtish.
  • British captures Wasington D.C

    British captures Wasington D.C
    The British captured Washington D.C during the War of 1812. One of the British commanders tells someone to burn the White House. They set the White House on fire while James Madison is out on duty. Later on people came to fix the White House when Harry Truman became president.
  • Nat Turner Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turner Slave Rebellion
    Nat Turner was a enslaved African American who was very rebellious! One day he made a group of 80 men and it was a bloody day in Southampton County. Nat got hanged for being rebellious and for killing white men. After that, happened Virginia made stricter laws for slaves that lived their.
  • The Chicago Fire!

    The Chicago Fire!
    The Chicago Fire all started by a cow kicking over a latern but, others say it's still not known until this day. It was in Patrick and Catherine O'Leary's barn and it burned the barn down. The fire killed about 300 people and 90,000 people were now homeless. And about $200 million dollars worth of homes gone and destroyed. Little things can become bigger things in a coouple minutes!
  • Womens Rights to Vote

    Womens Rights to Vote
    The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. After so many years of fighting for women to be able to vote it happens on Aug 18, 1920! Women thought it wasn't fair that men could vote but, not women. Men thought the women should just stay home watch the kids, cook, and clean. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton made it all possible with other womens help.
  • Martin Luther King "I Have A Dream" speech

    Martin Luther King "I Have A Dream" speech
    Martin Luther King's speech was so powerful because back then there was a LOT of hate, racism, prejudice, and etc. Now we have progressed and people have really changed! If MLK didn't say his speech there would of been a lot of hate now! There maybe still be a little of that but, not ask much. His speech inspired people to do better and do good to every race.
  • 9/11

    The day of 9/11 two hijackers got on the plane and planned to crash into the twin towers. This tragic moments lead to people dying jumping out of windows. About 2,900 people died from jumping out of the window. Others escaped out of the twin towers and out of the octagon. 9/11 is a day people will never forget and others honor the people who saved their family.