Makemoviethe help

The Help IR Project

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The Civil Rights movement begins with the case of Brown Vs. The Board of Edcuation. The court declares that schools created to seperate whites from blacks are ununconstitutional. This seperation violates the Fourteenth Amendments "Equal protection clause" which states thst no state shall deny any person the rights of equal protection under the law.
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    Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights movement was the the national effort made by black people and their supporters in the 1950s and 1960s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights. This lasted from 1954 to 1968.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus for a white passanger and ends up getting arrested for her refusal to move. In result, Parks arrest fueled the beginning of the Montgomery bus boycott which demanded Black passengers be treated equal to White passenegers. This boycott lasted for 381 days, supported by over 50,000 African Americans. The US Supreme Court ultimately ordered Montgomery to integrate its bus systems.
  • Central High School integration

    Central High School integration
    Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas is integrated and the "Little Rock Nine" are blocked from entering the school on the orders of Governor Orval Faubus. In response, President Eisenhower sends Federal troops and the National Guard to help these nine students enter the school.
  • Nonviolent Sit-ins

    Nonviolent Sit-ins
    African Americans throughout the south began to "sit-in" at the lunch counters of local stores as well as at parks, beaches, libraries, theaters, museums, and other public facilities in order to change the policy of segregated seating.
  • The SNCC

    The SNCC
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee was founded at Shaw University and gave young blacks a voice in the CIvil Rights Movement while later becoming an extremely radical group.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Students take interstate buses through the south in order to test test out new laws that prohibit segregation in interstate travel facilities.
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    The Help

    The book The Help takes place in Jackson Mississippi from 1962 to 1964.
  • The beginning

    The beginning
    The Help is set in Jackson Mississippi in the 1960s where the story begins in the POV of Aibileen, who is the colored help of her employer Elizabeth Leefolt.
  • Bridge Club

    Bridge Club
    Hilly Holbrook and Skeeter, Elizabeth Leefolt's best friends, get together at Elizabeths house for a game of Bridge. Hilly brings up the topic of passing a law that called "The Home Sanitation Initiative ' which would make seperate bathrooms for The Help mandatory in the homes of white families. Skeeter strongly disagrees with this idea.
  • Warning Minny

    Warning Minny
    Minny is friends with Aibileen and The Help of Hillys mother Miss Walters. Miss walters is being moved to a nursing home by Hilly and Minny has started looking for a new job, but this as been difficult as no one seems to want to hire her. She is then informed by Aibileen that Hilly has been going around accusing Minny of being a thief and that is the reason why it has been so hard for her to find work.
  • Minny finds work

    Minny finds work
    Minny soon finds work with Miss Celia Foote who makes Minny promise to stay a secret as she doesnt want her husband knowing she has hired her becuase she doesnt want him to think she is incapable.
  • Skeeter and New York publishing

    Skeeter and New York publishing
    Skeeter contacts an editor at a publishing house in New York, Elaine Stein, who encourages Skeeter to get any job she can find at a newspaper and to use her free time to write about something controversial.
  • Executive order 11063

    Executive order 11063
    Preisdent Kennedy issues Executive Order 11063 which prohibits racial discrimination in federally owned housing, public housing built with federal funds, and in new housing built with the use of loans from federal agencie
  • Skeeter and Aibileen

    Skeeter and Aibileen
    Skeeter goes and gets a job at the Jackson Journal writing the Miss Myrna column but she knows nothing about it. Skeeter asks Aibileen if she will help her with the questions and Aibileen agrees. Aibileen tells skeeter that before her son died he was planning on writing about his expierences in Mississippi and this inspires Skeeter to write a book about The Helps experiences in Jackson but Aibileen refuses to help.
  • Aibileen agrees to help.

    Aibileen agrees to help.
    Aibileen agrees to help Skeeter with her book about the lives of The Help. Aibileen convinces Minny to help as well but no other maids get involved because of fear and the consequences they may face. Skeeter goes to the library and takes a book of Jim Crow Laws: laws regarding racial segregation.
  • 11 more Help tell their stories

    11 more Help tell their stories
    When Hilly accuses her Help Yule May of stealing from her , Yule May is sentanced to 4 years in jail. This convinces 11 more Maids to tell Skeeter their stories for her book.
  • I have a Dream

    I have a Dream
    Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous "I have a dream" speech to the 200,000+ people that participated in the March on Washington. Their goals were to have the government pass meaningful civil rights laws, a massive federal works program, full and fair employment, decent housing, the right to vote, and adequate integrated education.
  • Hilly is suspicious of Skeeter

    Hilly is suspicious of Skeeter
    Hilly goes through Skeeters bag and finds her copy of the Jim Crow Laws. She then refuses to give it back until Skeeter posts her "Home Sanitation Initiative" in the leagues newspaper. Skeeter does this but also prints for the people to drop their old toilets on Hillys front lawn. This angers Hilly and Skeeter is shunned by her and her friends. Aibileen, Minny, and the other maids are afraid Hilly will find out about Skeeters book.
  • Hilly and the poo pie

    Hilly and the poo pie
    In order to protect themselves when their book comes out, Minny convinces Skeeter to put in her story on the time she baked Hilly a pie made with poo and how Hilly ended up eating 2 pieces. She then wont admit the stories are based in Jackson because who would want to admit to eating poo?
  • Skeeter mails the manuscript

    Skeeter mails the manuscript
    Skeeter titles her book "Help" and mails the manuscript that contains the maids stories to Elain Stein in New York.
  • Skeeters book is published

    Skeeters book is published
    Skeeter and the other maids learn that their book is going to be published. When the book comes out, Hilly immediately knows the book is set in Jackson. But because of her poo story, Hilly denies the fact that it is set in Jackson and tells everyone taht it is not. But she does confront Skeeter and vows revenge.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    The 24th Amendment is passed and ablolishes the poll tax that has made it difficult for many poor blacks to vote.
  • The End

    The End
    In the end Skeeter takes a job in New York and gives Aibileen the Miss Myra column job. Hilly proves to Elizabeth, by comparing the crack in her table to the one in the book , that Aibileen wrote a chapter in the book. She fires Aibileen and Aibileen goes on to start a new life.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination of all kinds based on race, color, religion, or national origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Congress passes the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which makes voting for southern Blacks easier then it was. Literacy tests, poll taxes, and other such requirements are made illegal as they restricted the Blacks ability to vote and made it difficult for them as well.
  • Loving Vs. Virginia

    Loving Vs. Virginia
    Supreme Court rules that prohibiting interracial marriage is unconstitutional.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. dies

    Martin Luther King Jr. dies
    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis Tennessee while standing on a balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel .
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    The Civil Rights Act of 1968 allowed equal housing oppurtunity for all. Also to injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone in regards of their race, color, religion, or national origin became a federal crime. This marked the end of the Civil rights movement.
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    Kathryn Stocketts The Help and Movie

  • Kathryn Stockett is born

    Kathryn Stockett is born
    Kathryn Stocket was born in 1969 in Jackson Mississippi. She graduated from University of Alabama with a degree in English and Creative Writing. Stockett then moved to New York City where she lived for 16 years and worked in magazine publishing and marketing.
  • Kathyrn Stockett begins writing

    Kathyrn Stockett begins writing
    Kathryn Stockett bgins writing her book The Help when she decides to write about the relationships between African American Help and their White employees before civil rights. This book takes her 5 years to write and is rejected by over 60 publishers.
  • The Help is published

    The Help is published
    The Help is published by Penguin Books.
  • Filming begins

    Filming begins
    Producers Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan, and Mark Radcliffe start filming The Help. This will last through October.
  • Best Seller

    Best Seller
    The Help has sold over five million copies and has spent more than 100 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller list.
  • The Help reaches the box office

    The Help reaches the box office
    Kathryn Stockett's The Help is released in theatres across the country.