
The Harlem Renaissance

  • The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
    The NAACP is an organization that fought and still fights against organization. It use to be that colored people would be scared to fight against those who abused their rights. But they couldn't stand that any longer so they decided to be brave and change that aspect of life that affected them a lot.
  • Silent Protest Parade

     Silent Protest Parade
    10,000-15,000 African Americans protested against East St. Louis Riots. African Americans strarted to stand up for themselves and end racial profiling in a civil way. As you can see in this pictue it shows that they were no longer afriad and together they manage to go through with this protest.
  • Red Summer of Hate

    Red Summer of Hate
    Riots began in Chicago against blacks ans whites. Lots of violence was involve during the 13 days that it lasted. This is modernist because usually a black person would let a white person do whatever to them but to their surprise they fought back
  • The Emperor Jones

     The Emperor Jones
    In this play black actors were involved. The guy in the picture is Charles Gilpin who had the lead role. This is modernist because black people were able to become actors instead of just slaves
  • The Black Swan Phonograph Corporation

    The Black Swan Phonograph Corporation
    Harry Pace founded this Corporation and this is where they produce “race records”. This record is what exposed jazz music. This modernist because it wasn't common to have people listen to jazz around this time because people usually listened to classic music.
  • Shuffle Along

    Shuffle Along
    This was the first musical revue written and performed by African-Americans that took place in broadway. Josephine Baker and Florence Mills who were part of it were successful in making it a career. African- Americans were usually slaves but Josephine Baker and Florence Mills were able to break free and reach sucess.
  • The Harmon Foundation

    This video shows a young mad who is into photography. This foundation promoted black fine artists. Blacks were able to show of their artistic skills.
  • Countee Culleen

    Countee Culleen
    Cullen's poems start to appear in four major white publications. This is modernist because poems from blacks started to become noticed.
  • Joe “King” Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band records

    Joe “King” Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band records
    His jazz band records were modernist because jass age started and peopl were out partying a lot listening to jazz. They enojyed themselves forgetting about segregation for a bit.
  • Jazz

    The first American Jazz concert was showcased at Aeolian Hall. This is mondernist because people started to listen to jazz which was a new form of muisc from African Americans. Jazz was different from the types of music people were used to listen to.
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    Vachel Lindsay reads Langston Hughes poems in his own poetry readings. This was modernist because he as a white poet who recognized Hughes as a bright new talent.
  • Marian Anderson

    <a href='' >Viedo</a
    Marian Anderson wins a singing competition sponsored by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. This is modernest because she was black. It used to be that whites were the ones who were perfect and colored people were slaves and useless
  • Savoy Ballroo

    Thi place was where the race and color skin of people didn't made. Everyone just went there to have a good time no matter what. Blacks and whites together would have a time in here.
  • Porgy

    This musical was made from a black husband and wife that opened up in Broadway. This was modernist because black weren't known for important things like this one.
  • Home to Harlem

     Home to Harlem
    This book is by Claude McKay. This shows modernist because it was the bestseller by a black author.