The Growth of American Industry

  • Period: to

    The Growth of American Industry

  • Rutherford B. Hayes became president

    Rutherford B. Hayes became president
    In this year President Rutherford B. Hayes became president. His first important act in office was to end Reconstruction by removing the last of the federal troops from the South.
  • The Bland-Allison Act

    The Bland-Allison Act
    The Bland- Allison Act was an act that was vetoed by President Ruthford B. Hayes because he thought that the need for that act was un-necessary. The act was requiring the US Treasury to buy certain amounts of silver and put it into a circulation as silver dollars.
  • James A. Garfeild

    James A.  Garfeild
    Garfeild moved against the patronage system with plans to reform the civil service system and purge the post office of corruption.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act was an act that limited the number of the Chinese coming into the United States. They would need to know certain things like how to read and write in English.
  • The Pendleton Act

    The Pendleton Act
    After President Garfeilds assination, his vice president, Chester A. Arthur, became president. He signed the Pendleton Act in 1883. The Pendleton Act was an act that established the Civil Service Commission.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1886

    The Civil Rights Act of 1886
    The Civil Rights Act of 1886, was act that mainly intended to protect the rights of African Americans during the early times American Civil War. It states no matter what race or heritage, you should be treated equally to the other citizens of the United States.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The strikers in the Pullman Strike were threatning to disrupt the nationwide rail system. President Grovere Clevland soon put in end to it by making the troops break up the strike line.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt's Campaign

    President Theodore Roosevelt's Campaign
    President Theodore Roosevelt led a campaign against the abuses of large monopolies and called for several cooperations, including standard oil, to be broken.