The Great Space Race

  • sputnik 1

    sputnik 1
    The USSR launched the Sputbik 1 into orbit diring the cold war. Although they didnt know but this would start the space race. The Sputnik 1 was as big as a beach ball but was sent into orbit in 1957.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    USSR launches Sputnik 2 into orbit.Which carried a small dog named laika who died just two hours after she got back to earth.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The USA launched its first satilite Exploer 1. In 1958 which got the USA in the space race.
  • Explorer 2

    Explorer 2
    USA launches its second satilite Explorer 2 but it doesn`t to reach orbit.But it pushes the USA even more.
  • luna 1

    luna 1
    USSA launches luna 1 it is the first man made object to go into orbit.Now the Russians are ahead.
  • Tiros 1

    Tiros  1
    In 1960 USA launched Tiros 1. And it became the first working weather satilite. Now the USA was back in the space race.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    The USSA launch Yuri Gagarin into orbit to become the first man in space. Now the Rushians are ahead.
  • Alan B Sheperd

    1961 Alan B Sheperd becomes first Americian in space. The Americians are back in the race.
  • Jhon F Kennedys plan

    Jhon F Kennedy addresses congress and challenges the nation to go to the moon,before the end of decade.
  • John Glenn

    USA`s Jhon Glenn orbits the Earth three times . And now the race is close.
  • Presedent Assasinated

    Presedent Assasinated
    Presedent Jhon F Kennedy is assasinated. Some people think the Russians did it.
  • Clifton Williams

    USA`s Clifton Williams is killed in a devistating plane crash. Thats just a punch to the gut for the usa.
  • Trip to the Moon

    Trip to the Moon
    In 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin became the first 2 men to step on the moon. And made these words famous 'Thats one small step for a man one giant leap for man kind.'