The Great Depression Era

  • Model T

    Model T
    It's a car that is regarded to as the first affordable car to the middle class. In the Great Depression Era, the Ford Company produced these at a fast/quick rate.
  • Prohibition/18th Amendment

    Prohibition/18th Amendment
    This was the amendment that put a limit on alcohol/liquor. In the connection to the Great Depression, this most likely brought down the economoy a little.
  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Tea Pot Dome Scandal
    It's when President Harding & Secretary Fall took oil that was to be used for the Navy. This was one of the biggest scandals in the Great Depression Era.
  • Warren G. Harding Elected

    Warren G. Harding Elected
    Harding was elected & inargurated on this date. Some blamed him for the start of a recession into the Great Depression.
  • Calvin Coolidge becomes president

    Calvin Coolidge becomes president
    He became president after Harding died in office. He tried to rebuild the economy.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    This was a plan shared by Charles G. Dawes, it was to solve problems. In connection to the Great Depression, it was a plan to fix international politics.
  • Coolidge speech to American Society of Newspaper Editors

    Coolidge speech to American Society of Newspaper Editors
    He made a speech & read it out to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. In reference to the Great Depression, he addressed the things that the press had being said & printing out about the time the economy was in.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    It was a book that was stetted in the "Roaring" Twenties.
  • Herbert Hoover Elected

    Herbert Hoover Elected
    Hoover was elected & inagurated on this day. He was president at the time of the Great Depression.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    This was the day that the stocks & economy crashed in america. This was also the beginning the of the Great Depression.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff
    This was an tariff that raised US tariffs, it made our imports & exports drop by almost half. This probably helped a little to the start of recession.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    It was a corp. that was made to fix the economy of the US. It was started in the Great Depression to build the economy back up.
  • Bonus Army March

    Bonus Army March
    This was a march of war veteran & families that wanted to get there paymeant for their service. This was an march that took place in the Great Depression.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected
    He was elected & inagurated on this day. At this time, the US was in a DEEP depression.
  • Civilian Construction Corps

    Civilian Construction Corps
    It was an work relief program for unemployed males (majority). This was an chance/attempt to get some americans to improve america during the Great Depression.
  • Tennesse Valley Authority

    Tennesse Valley Authority
    This is an corp. owned by the gov., it was founded to improve the enviroment. This was greatly effected by the Great Depression.
  • Public Works Administration

    Public Works Administration
    Made in response to the Great Depression, this built things (schools, bridges, hospitals, etc.).
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    This was an act that tried to regulate farms. I guess this was an attempt to build up the economy during the Great Depression.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    This act was made to regulate the industry of America. This was another attempt to build up the American economy.
  • Security and Exchange Commission

    Security and Exchange Commission
    It's a federal agency that deals with security laws & more. This was made in the Great Depression to keep stocks stable.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    This employed many unskilled people, trying to improve the economy in the time of the Great Depression. Another part of the New Deal.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Just a legislative act that developed the social security system. Another attempt to improve the economy & social levels of America.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    This was an act to protect the workers rights to unionization. Probably another part of the Great Deal.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    This applied & made the overtime, minimum wage & many other things to do with the work conditions. This was an attempt to improve the work conditions during the Great Depression, most likely a part of the New Deal.
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    The Grapes of Wrath
    This book was set in the Great Depression & told a lot about that time period.