The Great Depresiion

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The stock market crashes marking the end of the six years unparrelleled prosperity for most of american economy. On October 24 black thursday stock prices plumet an panic selling ensues as people try to sell stock for any price they can get.
  • stock crashes.

    stock crashes.
    By october 29 stocks completley collapse and banks are calling in loans. $30 billion dollars in stocks disappear by mid november.
  • Lost Jobs

    Lost Jobs
    More than 3.2 million people are jobless. Thats in increase of 1.5 million people since the market first collapsed. President hoover says that in the next 60 days people will have jobs agian.
  • Apple-Sellers

    New york citys streets were filled with apple sellers. people seeling goods to have money for a meal. Almost 6,000 unemployed people worked as apple sellers for five cents a peice.
  • Veteran payment

    A Texas congressmen Wright Patman introduces a new legislation authorizing immediate payment to veterans of wwI. It is a certificate equalling $1 dollar a day for each day of service in the us and a $1.25 for everyday overseas.
  • riots.

    Food riots begin to break out in part of the US. Men and women would smash the windows of markets and steal fruit canned fruit and meats.
  • R.F.C

    Congress establishes the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The R.F.C. is allowed to lend $2 billion to banks, insurance companies, building and loan associations, agricultural credit organizations and railroads
  • Presidents

    FRanklin Rosevellt is elected president in a landslide over herbert hoover. Roosevelt receives 22.8 million million populat votes to hoovers 15.75 million votes.
  • FDR

    FDR signs legislation creating the Works Progress Administration. he program employs more than 8.5 million individuals in 3,000 counties across the nation. These individuals, drawing a salary of only $41.57 a month, will improve or create highways, roads, bridges, and airports.
  • The NYA.

    The NYA.
    The NYA works on two levels: a student-work program and an out-of-school program. The student-work program provides students with odd jobs that pay them enough to stay in school. The out-of-school program sets young people up with various jobs ranging from house painting to cleaning local parks, and eventually comes to include vocational training.
  • The photographer.

    The photographer.
    Photographer Dorothea Lange visits a pea-pickers' camp in California's San Joaquin Valley and takes photographs of harvest workers. The images, especially those in the "Migrant Mother Series," vividly illustrate the plight of the workers. The San Francisco News runs the photo essay under the headline, Ragged, Hungry, Broke, Harvest Workers Live in Squallor.
  • The end.

    The end.
    a little over a year and the United States will go to war with europe. The war effort will jump start the us industry and effectively end the great depression.