The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of Mentally or Physically Disabled People

  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany.
    This shows persecution against disabled people because they were not able to read what was actually happening to people like them. They also couldn’t speak out to protest what was happening to them.
  • Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act, or. “Law for Rectification of the Distress of Nation and Reich” was passed on the date 3/23/33 and was targeted toward the group of everyone in Germany, and it’s goal was to get everyone to vote for Hitler. The way that this was affecting everyone’s lives was because they were influenced to vote for a leader that is actually not going to do much good for them.
    This shows persecution against disabled people because it forced them to vote for someone who was harming them.
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    Basically, what happened in this event is Hitler ordered all of the Nazis to burn all of the books, almost, because the only books considered to be okay were ones that were pro-nazi. Any book that was Anti-Nazi, Un-German, or published by a Jew were burned.
    This shows persecution against people with disabilities because people were only reading books that were pro nazi. This caused nazi’s to get more power.
  • Sterilization Law

    This law prevented people with mental or physical disabilities from having babies.
    This shows persecution against people with mental or physical disabilities because they couldn’t have kids.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    President paul von died. Hitler became president. Hitler got rid of the office and declared himself as the dictator. Hitler could do whatever he wanted to do.
    This shows persecution against disabled people because hitler was now able to create laws or do anything he wanted to hurt people with disabilities.
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor

    Jewish people could not marry non Jews. It was illegal for couples to be of mixed race
    This shows persecution against people with mental or physical disabilities because they could not marry whoever they wanted.
  • August Alzen

    He went to court and was considered “feebleminded” and had a forced sterilization.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    After heavy bombing and tens of thousands of rounds used up, in a month’s time Poland had been taken over. France and Great Britain declared war. Starting the war in Europe.
    This shows prosecution against disabled people because Germany was invading Poland to get rid of jews and minorities. This also affects disabled people because it started world war two. World war 2 affected them because it caused Germany to expand and get more power from other countries through the course of the war.
  • Axis Alliance Formed

    In September on the 27, 1940 the Axis alliance was formed with hitler in leed. The countries Japan and Italy signed the Tripartite pact ferst. Later in the war Hungary, Romania,Slovakia, Bulgari and Crota later signed the Tripartite pact.
    This shows persecution against disabled people because the people that were hurting them got more power and resources.
  • Mass Murder Begins at Chelmno

    Chelmno was the first Major killing operation in order to annihilate the Jewish population. Chelmno was also the first location to use gas to mass-murder Jews. At least 172,000 Jews and others were killed here.
    This shows prosecution against disabled people because they were being killed just for being disabled.
  • Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    The law is basically that anyone who is caught helping a jew would be killed.
    This shows persecution against mentaly or physically disabled people because if they were caught helping a jew they would be killed.