The Ghost of Graylock Book Review

By avamg05
  • Exposition

    Neil and Bree Cady moved in with their aunts for the summer because their mom is in a mental hospital. Neil wants to see Graylock for himself, so he is packing sorts of things to bring. Wesley, Neil's friend, is going with him. Wesley older brother is going too, so Bree decides to go.
  • Rising Action

    All four of them walked into the woods where the old hospital was. They were all scared and nervous to go in but they don't know how to get inside the building. Then they crawled through a window to get in.
  • Rising Action

    While they are in there, Neil sees the ghost of Nurse Janet. Then Niel falls through the ground and hurts himself. Then all of them ran out of the building and they saw a man that was friends with Bree and Neil's aunts. The man takes Neil to a doctors house to get fixed up. Then they return to their houses.
  • Rising Action

    That night after they cam home from the hospital, Neil was dreaming about him back at the hospital. Then he woke up and saw a person at the end of his bed dressed in white. When the person got up and left the room, Neil just thought it was Bree. Then he realized that his bed was damp and he went to check up on Bree. Bree was sound asleep and at the end of her bed it was damp too. They found out that night that Nurse Janet visted them.
  • Rising Action

    The next day, Neil, Bree, and Wesley went to the ibrary to use the computers to look up Graylock. While They were using the computers, a lady behide them siad, "oh, she existed, alright."
    The lady told them that Nurse Janet is still alive and in a retirerment home.
  • Rising Action

    Then they visted Nurse Janet and she was alive. They sat down and talked about Graylock. She said that she never killed the children, they killed them selves. But she was blamed because she was the only one there watching them. Then they went back home and found out what they wanted to know.
  • Indirect Characterization

    "She dropped her smile and crossed her arms, glaring at Eric." (Poblocki 96) This shows that Bree is mad.
  • Direct Characterization

    "Neil felt bad for what he'd been thinking." (Poblocki 113) This is stated in the text that he is felling bad.
  • Direct Characterization

    "Neil was overwhelmed with a sudden sadness." (Poblocki 21)
    This is stated in the text that he is overwhelmed.
  • Indirect Characterization

    "Bree simply stood there, her chest heaving." (Poblocki 62) This shows that she is freaking out.