The Evolution of Watercraft

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    B.C. 3000- Egyptians and Mesopotamians use cedar rafts to travel the Nile and other rivers.

    B.C. 3000- Egyptians and Mesopotamians use cedar rafts to travel the Nile and other rivers.
    Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians use cedar from Lebanon and other places to make boats. The Egyptians made larger boats to sail the Mediterranean.
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    B.C. 12-1100Phoenicians create new warships

    B.C. 12-1100Phoenicians create new warships
    Phoenicians are now best seafarers of ancient world. They have an innovative navy.
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    c. 260-55 B.C. First Roman Navy

    c. 260-55 B.C. First Roman Navy
    First Roman Navy created. Ships ram into eachother and are used as warships, revolutionizing Naval Warfare
  • Jan 1, 600

    Germanic "Viking" Ships

    Germanic "Viking" Ships
    Germanic Tribes in and around Norway travel to places such as Iceland and North America
  • Jan 1, 1400

    15 and 16th century Carracks, Galleons and Galleys

    15 and 16th century Carracks, Galleons and Galleys
    So called "Pirate Ships" were used, with on board cannons and multiple masts and sails.
  • Steamboats

    Steamboat was invented, but wasn't succesfully used until the 1810's and 20's
  • Iron Ships

    Iron Ships
    Iron ships are used by the Royal Navy and by Americans in the Civil War.
  • World War II, aircraft carriers and new ships

    World War II, aircraft carriers and new ships
    Ships held jets on hangars on top of the ship.
  • 20th and 21st Century Innovations

    20th and 21st Century Innovations
    Ships have guided missiles, 360 degree radar systems, canons, guns and are used for everything
  • Boats today

    Boats today
    Boats used for fishing, sailing, kayak touring, recreation, cargo moving, and many other things.