The evolution of makeup

  • 3150 BCE

    Ancient Egipt

    Ancient Egipt
    They used to paint their eyes with dark shadow in a fish-shaped form.
  • 800 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    The makeup was very natural,
    they also connected their eyebrows with a dark powder
  • 500 BCE


    They made false eyelashes by waving them with silk or natural hair.
  • 1550

    Elizabethan era

    Elizabethan era
    they used to cover their face with talcum powder, They also used to pluck their eyebrows completely.
  • 1550

    Japanese geisha

    Japanese geisha
    They painted their face, hands, chest and neck with a white powder, and their lips were bright red.
  • Victorian Era

    Victorian Era
    the women of this time had great predilection for appearing sickly.
  • The 60'

    The 60'
    they used to wear brigth eyeshadows like blue, pink and very natural lips
  • The 80'

    The 80'
    the makeup was very heavy, they used to wear heavy liner and brigth eyeshodows and their eyebrows were tick and wide.
  • The 90'

    The 90'
    the makeup becomes again very natural, highlighting the natural features of the face
  • Present

    people nowdays use makeup as a way to express themself using differents colors