Sonar casa

The evolution of housing

  • 7000 BCE

    Last stage of Prehistory (7000 BC)

    Last stage of Prehistory (7000 BC)
    In the last stage of Prehistory, approximately in 7000 BC, known as Neolithic, houses of adobe and stone with circular or square shape and of one or two rooms begin to be built. The roof is made of straw, branches, etc.
  • 4000 BCE

    Bronze Age

    Bronze Age
    In the Bronze Age metallurgy is developed.
    The houses, which share the exterior wall and are separated by walls, are narrow and elongated. The base is made of stone and the walls of adobe; the almost horizontal deck, built with mud and reeds, rests on wooden beams. The interior walls are revoked and decorated with paintings.
    Copper was one of the first metals used by man, initially used in its natural state for tools of peasants, etc.
  • 2000 BCE

    Prehistory (2 million years ago)

    Prehistory (2 million years ago)
    2 million years ago, in the Paleolithic our ancestors lived in caves during the winter months, to protect themselves from the cold and the snow as well as from the rains, since their coats were made with animal skins that hunted and scarcely had clothes .
  • 2000 BCE

    Bronze Age (advanced).

    Bronze Age (advanced).
    This period also encompasses the Bronze Age that develops between 3000 BC. C. and 1500 a. C. Beginning when metallurgy develops, this age is characterized by the creation and use of weapons, utensils, tools and other artifacts based on this material. The houses, which share the exterior wall and are separated by walls, are narrow and elongated.
  • 1200 BCE

    Age of Metals

    Age of Metals
    In this subdivision of the Age of Metals, known as the Iron Age, the houses of the poor were made of adobe and straw, those of the rich of stone and brick. They were a unique stay with a hole in the ceiling as a chimney. The Iron Age is the period in which the use of iron as a material to manufacture weapons and tools is discovered and popularized.
  • 130


    In the Renaissance period, especially during the sixteenth century, one of the most evolved typologies was the Palace.
  • 140

    Modern age

    Modern age
    From the fifteenth century onwards, the use of clay bricks to build houses, as well as mud, moistened and stepped earth, boulders, straw, wood, adobe and stone were generalized. The houses were very simple, as a rule, their size was small.
  • 300

    Middle Ages (Advanced)

    Middle Ages (Advanced)
    Nevertheless in the rural spaces the economy of this time was centered in the guilds, that were located in the own houses that in turn also was his way of distribution, that is to say, in a same building was the house in the top floor and on the other hand, the workshop and the store were situated in the lower part.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    This period began in 476 and the dwellings of this period in rural areas were simple and small as a rule and were built in wood, adobe and stones, using straw for the roof. In the interior they lived the family and the animals, serving these of heating. Outside they used to have an orchard where they grew food for consumption.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Old Age

    Old Age
    Before the arrival of the Roman Empire there were other great civilizations that changed the way of building houses, one of these civilizations were the Iberians. The houses at this time were rectangular organized into streets.
  • Twentieth century

    Twentieth century
    The cities are bigger, there is very little population that lives in the field, because in them they find facilities of work in factories, stores and offices. After industrialization new types of factories buildings, railway stations ...
    Most are far from the suburbs. The constructions are of greater dimensions and with increasingly sophisticated materials.
  • twenty first century

    twenty first century
    La casa está destinada para el descanso, las reuniones familiares y sociales, la higiene y la alimentación. En la actualidad ya no predomina la vivienda unifamiliar, si no que las casas se van adaptando dependiendo de las necesidades y características de la familia que las habita.
    Se introducen en la ciudad los edificios públicos para tener un mejor acceso para todos los habitantes.