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The Evolution of Families - Past to Future

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Hunter-Gatherer Family

    The Hunter-Gatherer Family
    Hunter-Gatherer families were the first form of societal families formed. Hunter-Gatherer families were established by informal marriages in which family members were dependant on one another for food and survival. Females and children collected herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and any other necessities that could be found through means of gathering. Men were required to spend their time hunting and bring meat home to their families.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to

    Evolution of Families

    Time span ranges from the begining of human establishments (approximately two million years ago) to one hundred years in the future. Too bad "timetoast" doesn't support dates from the B.C. era
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Agricultural Family

    The Agricultural Family
    Agricultural families began to form when hunter-gatherers found fertile land and many animals in one area. Food was grown on the farm, and animals were domesticated thus elimintaing the need for hunting and gathering. Couples began to have more children in order to create a work force and succesfully sustain the farmland. Arranged marriages and polygamy became popular due to the fact that the result was more children to work on the farm.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Agricultural Family Continued

    The Agricultural Family Continued
    Most children stayed at home after marraige in order to continue helping on the family farm. Eventually, this lead to very large extended families living together.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    The Pre-Industrial Family

    The Pre-Industrial Family
    Many people moved from farms to villages and towns and setup home businesses. Economy was struggling during this time. Marriage became an economic necessity, due to the fact that it was near impossible for single women to get jobs in the workforce. Most couples now were monogamous and had fewer children because they were no longer needed for labour, housing was much smaller, and the economy was very poor. However, children were still a necesity because less than 50% reached adulthood.
  • The Urban Industrial Family

    The Urban Industrial Family
    Many men started working outside the home now due to the production of factories in cities and towns. Wage based labour force was established. Men went out to work in the workforce, while women stayed at home to take care of the home and children. Women were financially dependant on their husband's salaries. Children were no longer required to work and had to attend school until the minimum age of 16 (established in 1871).
  • The Urban Industrial Family Continued

    The Urban Industrial Family Continued
    When young people married, they moved away from their families because they were now able to sustain themselves. The family we are most familiar with today, began to take shape during this era.
  • The Contemporary Canadian Family

    The Contemporary Canadian Family
    During the early 1960's women began to work outside the home alongside men. This lead to many new family types such as the dual income family, and the DINK family. The birth rate of children began to steadily decline to an average of 1.5 children per Canadian household. Women were granted more rights such as maternity leave which allows the mother to temporarily leave the workforce in order to raise her children.
  • The Family of the Future

    The Family of the Future
    Famly of the future will live in much larger cities than we do today, and therefore in much closer proximity with eachother. Major cities will be carefully constructed in order to succesfully sustain extremely large populations. Due to great advancements in technology, most humans will work from home unless employed by the government or military. Families will no longer have the right of reproducing.
  • The Family of the Future Continued

    The Family of the Future Continued
    Children will be created by the government through scientific processes such as cloning and artificial reproduction, thus allowing for the government to control the population. Average birth rate will decline because less humans will be needed for jobs, since they will be replaced by technology. Created children will be evenly dispursed to families in order to be raised. Dominant family form will be "NOBO" where children are not related by blood.
  • The Family of the Future Continued 2

    The Family of the Future Continued 2
    Familiy's goal will be to raise their child to be a progressive and effective member of society. Women and men will be 100% equal in the eyes of the society. Women and men will spend equal time away from andat work except when they are raising a child. In such a case, they will spend equal time at home. When a child is given to a family, both parents will recieve time off work in order to help with child rearing