Early Man

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    Berengia was a land bridge (made out of ice) that Paleo- Indians crossed to get to America. Scientists believe that they crossed it while hunting animals. Berengia connected what is now Russia and Alaska. 12,000 years ago (8000 B.C)
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    Clovis People

    The Clovis people existed about 500 years after the Paleo-Indians. They are identified by their type of spear. They were hunter-gathers, hunting large animals like the mammoth. About 500 years later, many of those animals became extinct. 11,500 years ago (7500 BC)
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    Clovis died out.

    The reason why the clovis people died out is unknown. They either died from over-hunting, climate change, or natural causes. 11,000 years ago, (7500 BC)
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    Plano People

    The Plano people were hunter-gathers. They lived in small areas but had high populations. They also used advanced stone tools.
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    The Folsom culture is named after their spear, called the Folsom point. They had more advanced tools than groups before them. They were hunter-gathers, and they had different hunting methods than groups before them.
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    The Adena People

    The Adena people lived in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania during 500 BC - 100 CE
  • Oct 4, 700

    The Hopewell

    The Hopewell culture lived in Ohio Valley around 500-700 BC. THey were mound builders. They would build homes in the sides of cliffs or mountains.