The ear the eye and the arm cover

The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm

By dkk123
  • Tendai, Rita, and Kuda finally leave house

    Tendai, Rita, and Kuda finally leave house
    Tendai, Rita, and Kuda leave house to try to get exploring badge to become eagle scout.
  • Period: to

    The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm

  • General Matiska and Mother notice that children are gone

    General Matiska and Mother notice that children are gone
    General Matiska and Mother notice there children are gone but do not know where.
  • Mother decides to call detecive agency

    Mother decides to call detecive agency
    The Mellower tells Mother about the detecive agency, The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm. Ear has super hearing, Eye has super vision, and Arm can read people's mind's.
  • Kids are attacked

    Kids are attacked
    The kids are attacked by weird strangers named Fist and Knife and by a robotical blue monkey.
  • The kids are taken to Dead Man's Vlei

    The kids are taken to Dead Man's Vlei
    The kids are taken to Dead Man's Vlei and are forced to work in the mine.
  • The Kids escape Dead Man's Vlei

    The Kids escape Dead Man's Vlei
    The kids escape Dead Man's Vlei and the She Elephant, who is holding them for ransom, with Trashman, a nice but not very intelligent young man.
  • Kids and Trashman get dropped at Resthaven

    Kids and Trashman get dropped at Resthaven
    The kids and Trashman get dropeed off at Resthaven by a kindly bus driver who helped them escaped. Resthaven is a long lost village and is separated with the other villages by a large wall.
  • Tendai, Rita, and Kuda want to leave Resthaven

    Tendai, Rita, and Kuda want to leave Resthaven
    Tendai, Rita, and Kuda want to leave Resthaven and do because they are accused of being witches.
  • Tendai, Rita, Kuda, and Trashman take a subway

    Tendai, Rita, Kuda, and Trashman take a subway
    Tendai, Rita, Kuda, and Trashman take a subway to Borrowdale to stay with the Mellower's mother
  • Arm gets a baby thrown at him

    Arm gets a baby thrown at him
    Arm gets a baby thrown at him named Sekai and he gets a connection with it.
  • Kidnapps and More Kidnapps

    Kidnapps and More Kidnapps
    In Borrowdale kids get kinapped by She Elephant and than she takes them to the Masks. The Masks want to make Tendai there leader by putting on th leader mask.
  • To the Rescue!!

    To the Rescue!!
    Mother, Arm, Ear, Eye, and an angry mob comes and helps defeat the masks and Mother gets her children and everyone lives hapily ever after.