The Death Cure

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    Thomas Wakes Up in an Inclosed Room

    Thomas, the main character, wakes up in an enclosed room with no windows, games, books, or anything to entertain himself. He gets fed 3 times a day through a slit in the door. He eats the same meal everday, ham and mashed potatoes, and runs in place to stay fit. There is only a chair and a desk in the room. On the 26th day, someone opens the door.
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    Rat Man Explains Everything

    A man named Rat Man opens the door and explains to Thomas that he is immune to the flare, the disease that could potentialy end the world, then Rat Man takes Thomas to get a shower.
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    The Gladers Reunite

    Rat man takes Thomas to reunite with the gladers. Once they get to the gladers, Rat Man explains who has the flare and how everyone were important variables. Sadly one of Thomas' besfriends, Newt, is announced to have the flare.
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    The Escape

    The gladers are forced to get there memories back, but they are afraid that the procedure would do something else. Brenda the doctor and friend of the gladers helps them escape. Brenda stabs the other docter with a needle while Thomas tackles Rat Man. They escape to the berg room where they find Jorge, Brenda's friend, waiting for them. All of the sudden dozens of guards start pouring in to the room. The gladers barley make an escape and start to fly away.
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    They decide to take the berg to Denver because of a man who used to work for WICKED who could supposedly take the chips out of there brains ,so wicked could not track them. Once they arrive in Denver they sneek through security ,and decide that Newt should stay in the berg because they don't want Newt to be caught with the flare. Once they walk through the airport a man hands Thomas a note with an address in Gallies, from the maze, handwriting telling them to come to his apartment.
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    The gladers take a drive to Gally's apartment. They talk and find out Gally is a part of a group that is trying to defeat WICKED called THE RIGHT ARM.
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    Exploring Denver

    The gladers have to stealthily sneak through Denver so cranks can't see them. They are trying to find the man who can take the chips out of there head. They eventually find him and then they go to look for Newt who had been gone when they checked back on the berg.
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    The Crank Palace

    The gladers decide to go to the crank palace to look for Newt. A crank place is a place where all cranks go before they die. The gaurd let them in. FIghts start to break out. Newt constantly tells Thomas to leave. The glagers eventually leave.
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    The Note

    When they get backed to the berg, Thomas reads the note Newt gave him earlier in the book. It says, "Kill me, if you have ever been my friend kill me." Then the gladers decide to go back to Denver to meet the Right Arm.
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    The Scary Drive

    They decide to drive to the Right Arm building in a van. When they are driving, a crank jumps on top of the roof of the car. The car eventually shakes her off and they keep going.
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    So Many Cranks

    The drive off and once again find cranks. They are standing in a line in front of the car. The car breaks down , and the cranks start smashing the windows of the car. Through fighting and getting the car to work., the car starts to work. Then the gladers drive a little bit more, and find Newt. Thomas has no choice but to shoot him, and he shoots him.
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    Gally's Apartment

    At the apartment, they find Aris and Thersa, but no Gally.Theresa explains to Thomas that WICKED is starting new trials all over again, and that Thomas is the most important person for the trials. She also explains that immunes are being sold to WICKED for the trials.
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    The gladers sneek and fight there way into the building. They find all of the sold immunies and take them through the maze. The building starts to fall down and Thersa dies.