
The Colony On The Red River

  • Scottish Farmers Evicted

    Scottish Farmers Evicted
    Landowners wanted to convert the land used by tenant farmers into more profitable sheep pastures. (Near the end of the 1700's)
  • Selkirk Convinced HBC To Grant Him 300000 Square Kilometers.

    Selkirk Convinced HBC To Grant Him 300000 Square Kilometers.
    Located in what is now south Manatoba and North Dakota. Selkirk and the HBC felt they had legal rights to the land as it was a part of Ruperts Land.
  • 36 Scotts and Irish Landowners Left Britain

    36 Scotts and Irish Landowners Left Britain
    They searched to find a suitable spot for the colonists. They were fored to spend the winter at the York factory
  • What Was Left Of The 36 People Arrived At Red River

    What Was Left Of The 36 People Arrived At Red River
    Two months later >100 men, women, and children arrived. They were forced to spend winter at Fort Pembla, surviving on pemmican.
  • Pemmican Proclaimation

    Pemmican Proclaimation
    The sale and export of pemmican from Red River was banned for one year. This was to ensure that if settlers were forced to spend another winter at Fort Pembla, they would have enough to survive. This was a hard blow to the Metis population, as selling and exporting pemmican was their trade.
  • Orders To drive Colonists Away

    Orders To drive Colonists Away
    The NWC ordered two of their employees to drive the British colonists away. They burned buildings, destroyed crops, and fired rifles into the night.
  • >100 colonists left

    >100 colonists left
    As a result of the harassment by the NWC, more than 100 clonists left the settlement. Soon after, the rest left for Norway house at the north end of Lake Winnipeg.
  • Metis raided pemmican boats

    Metis raided pemmican boats
    Led by Cuthbert Brant. A large supply of Pemmican was taken.
  • Battle of 7 oaks

    Battle of 7 oaks
    The pemmican thiefs were spotted, and a 15 minute battle followed. Twenty on colonists and one Metis died.
  • treaty negotiated

    treaty negotiated
    Land leased from the local Anishinabe and Cree Nations was divided among the colonists. It was also promised that a school and church would soon be built.