The Cold War

  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was a between South and North Korea. This was the biggest war in the Cold War. Communist North Korea invaded South Korea across the 38th parallel
  • Election of Eisenhower

    Election of Eisenhower
    1953 - Eisenhower consolidated welfare programs by creating this government department under Oveta Culp Hobby, the first woman in a Republican cabinet. it advocated the full use of American nuclear weapons to counteract even a Soviet ground attack in Europe.
  • End of Vietnam War

    End of Vietnam War
    The Vietnamese government was a communism. The Vietnam War ended with an agreement called the Paris Peace Accords. This agreement between the United States and North Vietnam.
  • Election of Kennedy

    Election of Kennedy
    This was the closest election since 1916.Kennedy endorses the sit-ins and promises to sponsor a civil rights bill when elected. Kennedy did a lot of good things: for example, passed tax cut bill pushed series of Economic Opportunity Acts, Civil Rights Act, Medicare and Medicaid, signed Immigration Act.
  • Election of Nixon

    Election of Nixon
    In 1960 Nixon's first presidential election he defeated. Also in 1968 he won the presidential election. In 1968 three person nominated. Richard Nixon promised restore the politics to the nation's cities and he decided provide new leadership in Vietnam War.