The Black Plague

  • 1346

    Plague begins in Central Asia

    Plague breaks out in central Asia, infecting Mongol hordes.
  • 1347

    Plague Spreads to Constantinople

    Plague spreads to Constantinople, a major port city, through silk trade routes
  • 1347

    Plague reaches Europe

    The plague is brought to Sicily by a ship from the east
  • 1348

    Plague spreads throughout Europe and Africa

    The plague is brought to Syria, Palestine, Egypt, northern Africa, Greece, France, and Spain through shipping trade
  • 1348

    Plague reaches the Pope

    The plague is brought to France, where the pope lives, and Britain
  • 1351

    The Plague subsides

    By this time, the plague had killed about 25 million people, a third of its population.
  • Period: 1351 to

    Europe Free from feudalism

    Most of the rulers are dead. workers and peasants revolt against remaining government, causing the end of feudalism and beginning of middle class.
  • 1353

    The Decameron completed

    Giovanni Boccaccio finishes writing The Decameron, a fictional story that describes the 1348 outbreak of the Black Death in Florence, Italy.
  • Great Plague of London

    Another plague breaks out in London, infecting many and killing 43.
  • Great fire of London

    A huge fire engulfs London, killing most of the infected rats, fleas, and people and taking the plague with it.