Black plague

The Black Plague

  • Oct 9, 1342

    The Plague Spread

    The Plague Spread
    When a ship captain allowed some Italians, unknow that they had the Black Plague, to board the ship, spreading the disease. Many people died from it because the disease was in their body.
  • Period: Oct 9, 1342 to Oct 9, 1352

    The Plague Started and Ended

    A deadly disease spread from a few Italians to people on a ship that they boarded. The disease killed people who had it in their body.
  • Period: Oct 9, 1342 to Oct 9, 1352

    People Died

    Many people died as a result of the Black Plague. To be exact 1/4 to 1/3 people.
  • Oct 9, 1352

    The Black Plague Finally Ended

    The Black Plague Finally Ended
    As a result of the Black Plague, people went to funerals. A shortage of labor was an effect of the plague. Europe had to repopulate people because many of the died.