Riggs at haddington

The Agricultural Revolution and Urbanisation of the Industrial Revolution.

  • Period: to

    The Agricultural Revolution

    The Agricultural Revolution Begins and Ends. (Not Accurate)
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution Begins and Ends. (Not Accurate)
  • Royal Society Founded

    Some of the finest minds in London (at the time) group to accelerate science and research.
  • Land Enclosures

    The land in England encloses to richer owners. This makes farmers and others lose their jobs, this causes some of them to move to the city or urbanise. (has been happening for the past 150 years also)
  • Horse Drawn Hoe

    Jethro Tull invents the horse drawn hoe to lessen the strain of work on weeding and such. Labourers did not like this mechanism taking their job.
  • Mechanical Seed Sower

    Jethro Tull also makes a mechanism that plants lots of seeds at once in a row. This once again made people unhappy and lose their jobs. Also from this invention sprung more ideas for inventions.
  • Four Year Crop Rotation Introduced

    Charles Townsend introduced the four year crop rotation from Holland. From this crops were of higher quantity and quality.
  • Lunar Society Formed

    Another group for minds to exceed the boundaries of research and science. Some members include Matthew Boulton, James Watt, Joseph Priestley and Erasmus Darwin.
  • Longhorn Cattle Bred

    The longhorn cattle from selected breeding become available to farm and feed the population. Able to give more people jobs to take care of the cattle.
  • Large Scale Potato Production

    To feed the growing population, more and more farmers started to grow more potatoes. This allowed a small proportion of jobs to be taken.
  • Coke's Selective Breeding

    Thomas Coke started selective breeding experiments. This was done to see what animal would improve yields. All these animals to take care of, wow more jobs to lessen the strain of urbanisation.
  • Tull's Seed Drill Improved

    The modifications improve efficiency and the need for more jobs.
  • Iron Ploughs

    The making of iron ploughs instead of wooden ploughs also increases efficient farming and creating more jobs for all those people that the ploughs took.
  • Luddite Riots

    Labourers attack machinery that they fear to take their jobs or have taken their jobs.
  • Irish Potato Famine Begins

    Ireland couldn't feed it's population when all the potato crops withered. This drove Ireland into famine because potatoes were crucial to the Irish diet (at the time). Making some people move to other countries for food and work.
  • Milking Machine

    Once again machinery taking jobs from labourers and giving the milking machine. Dairy cattle were tended by less people, so there was even more urbanisation.