Fall of berlin wall

The 20th century

  • The annexation of the Philippines by the United States.

    The annexation of the Philippines by the United States.
    The Philippine-American War, the first war of national liberation of the 20th century, was a military conflict between the Philippines and the Army of the United States of America from February 4, 1899 to April 16, 1902. This conflict is also known as the Philippine insurrection or the Tagalog insurrection, minimizing its importance in international affairs.
  • The plane

    The plane
    One of the most important inventions of the 20th century is the airplane. When the Wright brothers took flight for the first time in 1903, few could imagine that distances in the world were being drastically reduced.
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    The era of modernism and the avant-garde in art, literature and music.

    Modernism is a current of thought that proclaimed a new attitude towards life. The avant-garde dates back to 1907, they were groups of movements that tried to innovate.
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    The first World War

    It was a global military conflict, although centered in Europe, that began when Germany accepted the conditions of the armistice.
    It was called "global" because all the great industrial and military powers of the time were involved, divided into two alliances. On the one hand, the Triple Alliance formed by the Central Powers: the German Empire and Austria-Hungary. Italy, which had been a member of the Triple Alliance along with Germany and Austria-Hungary, did not join the Central Powers.
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    The second world war

    Most of the nations of the world were involved, all the European nations grouped in two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis Powers. It had more than 100 million soldiers mobilized and a state of total war in which the major contenders allocated all their economic, military and scientific capacity, erasing the distinction between civil and military resources. World War II was the deadliest in history, resulting in 60 million victims 2.5% of the world's population.
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    The Manhattan project

    The Manhattan Project, a joint effort between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada to develop atomic bombs during World War II.
  • The electronic

    The electronic
    The starting signal for electronics came in 1948, when Bell Telephone Laboratories publicly presented a component that would change machines forever: the transistor. At the time it was said that it would have applications for radio.
  • Jazz reaches its peak

    Jazz reaches its peak
    Jazz is a musical genre born at the end of the 19th century in the African-American communities of New Orleans, Louisiana, which expanded globally throughout the 20th century. The musical identity of jazz is complex and cannot be easily defined.
  • The fall of the Berlin wall

    The fall of the Berlin wall
    A crowd of around seventy thousand people demonstrated peacefully in the center of Leipzig demanding freedom of passage. These people dared to pass for the first time through the feared headquarters of the Stasi, the secret police of the German Democratic Republic.
    To Mikhail Gorbachev He is credited with many of the changes in Eastern Europe that ended with the demolition of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany, the disintegration of the USSR and the end of the Cold War.
  • The final of the 20th century

    The final of the 20th century
    This accident caused the death of 124 people. The Boeing plane, carrying 226 passengers and 14 crew, had departed Tokyo International Airport for Shanghai International Airport in China. The crew attempted to climb to a safer altitude, but the plane lost altitude and speed as it approached the sea, colliding with water at a depth of 3,000 meters. The investigation concluded that the probable cause of the accident was loss of control of the plane due to turbulence.