The 1980's

  • Air Traffic Controllers Strike

    On this date, 13,000 air traffic controllers went on strike after months of negotiations with the federal government. The president of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association, Robert Poli, demanded a $10,000 raise and a 32 hour work week. Ronald Raegan said if they didn't return to work within 48 hours, they would be fired. That was what ended up happening.
  • Equal Access Act

    This law was passed which allowed any student-led, extra curricular group to have meetings at public schools outside of class.
  • Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act

    This law placed spending limits on the U.S. budget and federal spending aimed at lowering the budget deficit.
  • Iran-Contra Scandal

    The plan for the U.S. to send weapons to Israel which would then be sent to Iran. Our payment would be six U.S. hostages that were held in Hezbollah.
  • Westside Community Schools v. Mergens

    The school corporation did not give permissioin to a student group in the school corporation to start a Christian club that would meet at the school. Some students sued the corporation and it went to court where it was decided that the group could be made.
  • Reno v. ACLU

    The ACLU argued the constitutionality of two different parts in the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The ACLU claimed the law violated the freedom of speech given in the First Amendment.
  • Mitchell v. Helms

    Chapter Two of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981 gave funds for many supplies in schools. The judge decided the act was unconstitutional and should no longer be in place.
  • Bush v. Gore

    The landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the court ended the 2000 presidential election by voting to name George W. Bush president over Al Gore. Afrer some controversy having to do with Florida's Supreme Court method of recounting ballots, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for the 25 electoral college votes Bush won in Florida to remain his. Therefore Bush won the presidency.