
The 18th Amendment

  • American Society for the Promotion of Temperance

    American Society for the Promotion of Temperance
    This society was made to focus on problem in the country. Such as slavery, women rights, temeprance, and the improvement of our nation. They also pressed the most on the banning of alcohol which helped to form the 18th amendments years later
  • Maine becomes the first

    Maine becomes the first
    Maine becomes the first state to make prohibition laws said before civil war times
  • National Prohibition Party is founded

    National Prohibition Party is founded
    This was a political party in the US best known for its histori opposition to the sale and consumption of alcohol
  • Leading up to the 18th Amendment

    Leading up to the 18th Amendment
    Legislature is broken up with people supproting alcohol known as wet and nonsupporters known as dry
  • The Amendment is ratified

    The Amendment is ratified
    The amendment was ratified on this day but would not take effect until a further date which was the first amendment at this time to do so
  • The bill is vetod but still passes

    The bill is vetod but still passes
    Woodrow Wilson vetos the Volstead Act which set the date for nation prohibition January 17, 1920 but the House overrided the veto and senate approved it
  • Crime rate rises

    Crime rate rises
    Americans started to bootleg alcohol in any ways possible. Al Capone was one of the most famous with making over 60 million dollars by this. not only that crime, gambling, and prostitution all grew
  • The Amendment takes over

    The Amendment takes over
    On this day the amendment went ineffect and all the states would have to follow this. this would be a whole year after the amendment was ratified. It made all production, transportation, and sale of alcohol illegal
  • F.D.R makes a stand

    F.D.R makes a stand
    Franklin D Rosevlet won his election with one of the ideas of allowing alcohol again and many people followed him due to this idea. He was one of the major factors in repeling this Amendment
  • 18th is repealed

    18th is repealed
    On this day the 21st Amendment was ratified which repealed the 18th and made the production and sale of alcohol legal again. This was the only Amendment in U.S. history to be repealed
  • Its all over

    Its all over
    By this year every state lifted its laws against prohibition and it was now legal to produce, sell, and make alcohol anywhere