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Termination of Bullying *History of Bullying*

  • 1500

    What exactly is bullying? *What was "bullying" originally?

    What exactly is bullying? *What was "bullying" originally?
    Believe it or not, bullying used to have a positive meaning. It has been around for centuries. According to
    (, bullying has been around since the mid 1500's. It wasn't until around 1862 when the term was made well known by a newspaper publication covering a soldier's death due to abuse and bullying by other men in the military.
  • First use of bullying in literary work!

    First use of bullying in literary work!
    In literary works, there has been children singled out and harassed forever. Published in 1838 by Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist was one of the first novels with English language to focus on the bullying mistreatment.
  • When was bullying made known?

    When was bullying made known?
    It wasn't until around 1862 when the term was made well known by a newspaper publication covering a soldier's death due to abuse and bullying by other men in the military.
  • First report of Bullying:

    First report of Bullying:
    The first report of a bullying victim was in 1862. (
    The story of John Flood was detailed in an article in August of 1862. Flood was a victim of "long, malignant and systematic bullying". He was convicted and sentenced to death. However, he was known to be a man of kindly disposition by everyone he came in contact with, so his sentence was overturned by the Queen.
  • *Bullying Research Professor*

    *Bullying Research Professor*
    ( In 1970, Dan Olweus was the first research professor in psychology known to study bullying and its effects on students. With this research, there was insight given on how minor bullying can cause many issues. Olweus's research gave a significant increase in understanding the term bullying in society.
  • Top 5 Bullying States

    Top 5 Bullying States
    School bullying stats and cyber bullying stats in 2007:
    GRADES K-12
    1. California
    2. New York
    3. Illinois
    4. Pennsylvania
    5. Washington
  • *Overview*

    Bullying has been a critical issue in schools. It has caused plenty of children to take their own lives. Victims are being harassed physically, mentally, and emotionally. These bullying facts are enough to prove that bullying isn't something that just came about. Bullying has existed among children and adults for centuries. Both children and adults are abused by bullies. It is time to fight back with words and efforts. *Kill them with kindness :) *