Ten Invention from the industrial revolution

  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fultons first successful trial of steam boat was on Aug,22 1787 later they built larger boas that carried people from Philadelphia and Burlington and new jersey
  • Eli Whitten

    Eli Whitten invented the cotton gin the invention automacilty separated the seed from the cotton
  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel morse invented the telegraph it was able to send eletric signals over wires from different locations
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe invented the sewing machine this machine did 250 stitches in a minute
  • Thomas Edison

    thomas Edison invented the lightbulb
  • Cyrus Field

    cyrus field invented the transatlantic telegraph cable
  • Alexander Bell

    Alexander Bell invented the first telephone call the first wdsthat was said was "Mr. Watson come here i want to see you"
  • Thomas Edison

    thomas invented the photograph to record sound
  • Rudolf Diesel

    Rudolf invented the diesel engine
  • the wright brother

    this was the day that the first flight was made in the plane that the wright brother invented