
  • The first programmable computer

    1936 was the year the first programmable computer was made in these days these computers were not portable at all.
  • The first computer with RAM

  • The first minicomputer

  • Apple computer

    This was a start to something very big and revolutionary. In the near future, Apple is going to be dominant in the technology universe
  • Wifi was added to the computers

    this meant that people were able to access the world wide web on from their personal computers at home.
  • Apple introduces the MacBook Pro.

    it's first Intel-based, dual-core mobile computer. this was a big step up in the technology world.
  • Google releases a chrome book on the market

    a laptop that ran google chrome.
  • smart desk

    smart desk
    a desk that has a bulit in computer into a desk
  • Computers summary

    Technology has changed a substantial amount over time. we went from computers with no screens to desk that has computers built into them! computers have taken the biggest step up in technology since they went from the just a big calculator to a device that can stream media and play games.