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By 160188
  • typewriter

    Typewriters were indispensable tools in offices around the world, as well as for literature, cinema, journalism, theater and any activity that required writing
  • telegraph

    A telegraph is a machine that is used to transmit information encoded by electrical signals.
  • vinyl record

    vinyl record
    is an analog disk storage medium in the form of a flat disk with a modulated spiral slot inscribed
  • black and write tv

    black and write tv Television is a system for the transmission and reception of images and sound that simulate movement, a distance that uses a diffusion evolution:
    for me the tv will be carried everywhere will be handled by voice and your electricity will be recharged by solar energy and another will be put on your face at a certain point and you will handle it with your mind those are my visions
  • music casette

    music casette
    is a sound or video recording format on magnetic tape that was widely used between the 70s and early 90s)
  • sony walkman

    sony walkman
    the Sony Walkman used as support to store the music Compact Cassette of Philips "Compact Cassette" that allowed to store up to 60 minutes (30 minutes per side)
  • floppy disk

    floppy disk
    storage unit that reads and writes the diskettes, that is, it is the floppy reader / writer unit.