Technology Use Progression

  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    In the early 1990's the internet was commercialized and presented to the public, although this process was made possible by many different people some notable characters in this process were Tim Berners-Lee, with help from Robert Cailliau. This invention has made everything we use useful, from GPS, to video streaming, social media, etc.
  • Photoshop

    In 1990 Adobe released the first version of Photoshop. A lot of the pictures that we see today on social media have been photoshopped to make the picture look better.
  • 2G Cell Phones

    2G Cell Phones
    In 1991 2G cell phone service used digital transmission instead of analog and lead to the advent of SMS messaging. It also laid the foundation for 3G coverage and mobile data usage. It was created in Finland by Radiolinja.
  • E-commerce

    In 1995 both Amazon and eBay launched, and those company in particular Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, has revolutionized how people shop. Some people even think that the concept of E-commerce could eventually lead to the end of retail stores.
  • USB flash drives

    USB flash drives
    In 1999, the USB flash drive was created, allowing for people to store information and move it to other computers, making life easier for everyone that had a computer back then. Invented by Ajay V. Bhatt