Technology Time Line

By BelleC
  • The Camera

    The Camera
    Johann Zahn was the designer of the first camera in 1685. The first photo ever taken was by Joseph Nicephore.
  • The first self-winding pocket watch

    The first self-winding pocket watch
    Abraham Louis Perret made the first watch by himself.
  • The First Typewriter

    The First Typewriter
    It was invented by the Americans, Christopher Latham Sholes, Frank Haven Hall, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W.
  • The First Printer

    The First Printer
    Remington Rand created the first printer and desgined it himself. But Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process that it called electrophotography.
  • The Keyboard

    The Keyboard
    The very first keyboard was inspired by the Typewriter. Christopher Latham Sholes was the inventor.
  • The First Radio

    The First Radio
    Guglielmo Macroni the Italian inventor invented the first radio for communication and for the news.
  • The First Headphones

    The First Headphones
    The First set of headphones were made by Nathan Baldwin. He made them by hand.
  • The first TV

    The first TV
    Philo Taylor Farnsworth lived without electricity until he was 14. He created and designed the first tv when he was 21.
  • First Video Game

    First Video Game
    Physicist William Higinbotham created the very first video game which was a simple tennis game.
  • Google

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin were the founders of google.
  • The IPod

    The IPod
    Steve Jobs created the first IPod in 2001. He created it to listen to music.
  • First Social Media Site

    First Social Media Site
    Andrew Weinreich creatred the first social media site called "Six Degrees" so people could meet new friends on the internet.
  • IPhone 8

    IPhone 8
    The IPhone 8 is expected to be released in 2017.
  • Store Dot fast charging

    Store Dot fast charging
    The Store Dot fast charging is expected to come out in 2019. It will charge your phone in 30 seconds instead of 30 minutes.
  • PlayStation 5

    PlayStation 5
    The PlayStation 5 is expected to come out in 2020. (I'll be 18) And it'll probably cost $399.00.