Technology since 1999


    It can contain lots of information yet it is very small.
  • Facebook

    This is a Social network that you can share things with.
  • Youtube

    A online video sharing site.
  • Macbook Pro

    Macbook Pro
    It is a very nice looking PowerBook with lots of functions.
  • Blu ray disk

    Blu ray disk
    A hd disk that can be played on Blu ray player.
  • Macbook air

    Macbook air
    A extremely thin,small and light power book.
  • USB flashdrive 3.0

    USB flashdrive 3.0
    This is the newest version of the USB
  • Iphone 4 white

    Iphone 4 white
    This is the 4th generation of the iPhone
  • Ipod nano 9

    Ipod nano 9
    This is the 9th generation iPod Nano
  • Ipad 2

    Ipad 2
    The second addition tablet computer by Apple.