
Technology History

By evenh
  • ENIAC Invented

    ENIAC Invented
    SourceIt was the first electronic computer invented by the US army during WWII. The ENIAC cost $500,000 to build and was 1800 square feet.
  • IBM 701 released

    IBM 701 released
    SourceThis is when the first IBM 701 was installed. It was announced at the World Headqurters in New York. It was the first electric andmass produced computer.
  • Ted Waitt was Born

    Ted Waitt was Born
    SourceFormer chairman and CEO of Gateway, Inc. His grandmother gave him a $10,000 loan to start his company in a barn. Having their compnay in the barn was one of the ideas of selling computers in cow spotted boxes.
  • ARPANET development

    ARPANET development
    SourceARPANET is short for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. It was the beginning of internet. It made it easier for people to access computers and the miliatry used it as a better communication method.
  • Apple introduces first personal home computer

    Apple introduces first personal home computer
    SourceApple II was the first personel computer with color graphics. It was announced at the West Coast Computer Fair. It was released on June 10, 1977.
  • Adobe Invention

    Adobe Invention
    SourceAdobe was founded by Charles Geschke and John Warnock. It runs Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Pagemill, and Adobe Acrobat.
  • Wifi Invention

    Wifi Invention
    SourceWifi is short for Wireless Fidelity. If a computer or laptop doesn't have wifi, you have to connect it to the wireless network.
  • Pentium was released

    Pentium was released
    SourceIt sold for $878. It took place of the 80486 processor. The name comes from the Greek word,"five" because it was the fifth processor in the 80x86 line.
  • Blue tooth creation

    Blue tooth creation
    SourceEricsson created blue tooth. Blue tooth is wireless technology that was supposed to take place of the RS-232 cable. It allows you to share music, pictures, and videos between devices.
  • Yahoo released

    Yahoo released
    Source Yahoo is short for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. It was created by David Filo and Jery Yang. Yahoo is is one of the most well known pages on the Internet.
  • USB standard was introduced

    USB standard was introduced
    SourceUSB is used for printers, keyboards, smart phones, cameras and other devices like these. It was introduced by Intel, Microsoft, and other companies like these. The latest version USB 3.0 is just coming out now.
  • Google Development

    Google Development
    Source Google is a search engine that was once known as BackRub. Sergey Brin and Larry Page were the creators of google. It sorts search results also.
  • IPhone introduced

    IPhone introduced
    SourceIt is an Apple smart phone that is like an IPod. It has a camera and wifi access. It also has an Apple app store wear you can buy games and apps.
  • Bing released

    Bing released
    Source It is a search engine released by Microsoft. It replaced Live Search and MSN search.
  • Chromebook Shipping began

    Chromebook Shipping began
    SourceThe Chrome book runs the Google Chrome OS. They have to have internet accesss to operate and everything runs from the cloud. They are also usually the cheapest.