Technology 2000-2010

  • Apple Mac OS X

    In the year 2000 Apple released it's first modern computer software creating a more modern feel to what we now call the internet.
  • USB Flash Drive

    Nowadays we are used to a cloud-based storage system for most of our documents. But what was used before iCloud? USB's were the first form of portable storage, originally only holding 256 megabytes of space. Nowadays we see USB's with 256 gigabytes plus of storage.
  • Facebook

    In 2004 Facebook was first introduced to the world. Being the pioneer of the social media world
  • iPhone

    2007 marks the year the iPhone was born. As the phone continues to rerelease each year with a "bigger and better" iPhone the original is almost incomparable in function and look to the newer iPhones we now see today.
  • Intel Core i5

    Intel's first desktop processor with dual core processor