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    Drug Use

    Drugs were very popular all throughout the sixties. A lot of the youth during this time wanted to expirement with these things. They found the feeling that the drugs gave them was enjoyable. Some common drugs were LSD, marijuana, and mushrooms.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Berlin Wall Built
    Germany had been divived into two sections after WWII, west and east. West German life was a lot better off, they had help from the Marshall plan from US. East Germany was under a communist government. Many people living in the East tried to move to the West. The wall was built to try and stop people from escaping.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    Kennedy was our 35th President, elected on November 8th 1960. He worked well with foreign affairs. Kennedy helped to create the Peace Corps which made a difference in other countries by helping to speard peace. Sadly, on November 22, 1963 Kennedy was assinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Texas. It was a tragic loss to our country.
  • Immigration Act of 1965

    Immigration Act of 1965
    The main reason for this act being passed was to try and contain the racial discrimantion flairing during this time period. About 170,000 immigrants entered the US during this time.
  • Entered the Vietnam War

    Entered the Vietnam War
    Many countries were interested in starting a communist government during this time. It appealed to most countries. The US entered the war because they feared communism and wanted to stop the spread of it.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    Social Security first became a law in 1968. It was made to help older people pay for things they needed help with. It's also supposed to help disabled people.
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    Woodstock was the most popular music event in history. The idea was born from four men looking to make some money. Many things went wrong. Their estimate of 50,000 people went up to 200,000 people. It was said that actually 500,000 people actually showed up. They ended up having to make it a free concert and not profit from it.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    In the 60's people started to realize how bad the pollution was and the negative effect it was having on the earth. The idea for Earth Day became very popular very fast. Many people participated. This holiday helps raise awareness about trying to be "green" even today.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    The Pentagon Papers were documents written on the motives and the hidden offensive moves taken by the United States during the Vietnam war. Researched and written behind president Johnson's back, the Pentagon Papers revealed many shocking secrets that were hidden from the American people. After reading the publication, the American found out they were being misled and fed false information aboyt most events during the Vietnam War.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    On this day burglars were found in the Watergate building in Washington D.C. The type of robbery was different. They were caught trying to wiretap the phones and steal documents from the building and the other political party that was currently residing there. It was said to have been connected to President Nixon's reelection campaign. Nixon was then forced to resign, or else face an absolute impeachment ruling in court.
  • National Energy Act

    National Energy Act
    This act was created to reduce the use of unrenwewable energy sources. The government was trying to help people start to use renewable energy such as solar energy. It also changed the standards for energy use, making many more things become mandatory.
  • Three Mile Island Accident

    Three Mile Island Accident
    In 1979 in a power plant near Harrisburg, PA there was a cooling malfunction in one of the reactors at a nuclear power plant. This caused one of the cores to melt, releasing radioactive gas into the air. Luckily, it was not enough to cause any big damage or health problems.
  • Reagan Doctrine

    Reagan Doctrine
    The Reagan Doctrine was the most important foreign policy when it came to destroying the impact Communism had on other coumtries. It was very influential to ending the Cold War in the early 90s. The Reagan Doctrine worked on containing communism while encouraging capitalism.
  • Reagan Revolution

    Reagan Revolution
    Reagan's administration brought many big changes to the US government. They limited the growth of social spending. There was a reduction of regulation, inflation, economic growth saw a strong recovery. Reagan won the presidency for a second term by a landslide victory.
  • Nuclear Freeze Movement

    Nuclear Freeze Movement
    Over one million people gathered and protested the use of nuclear weapons. These people called for the US and the Soviet Union to "adopt a mutual freeze on the testingm production, and deployment of nuclear weapons and of missiles, and new aircraft designed primarily to deliver nuclear weapons"
  • Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
    The United States and the Soviet Union both agreed to halt the arms race. Both countries agreed that the missiles were too big and too close. They were allowed to keep a certain amount of bombs, but the rest had to be destroyed.
  • Bush Admin

    Bush Admin
    When Bush was elected into office his foreign policy grew. While he was in office the Berlin Wall fell, the Panama and Persian Gulf Wars started and were won. The Sovet Union dissolved two years after he was elected. Bush also signed off for tax increases, many of which are still valid today.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    Saddam Hussein ordered an invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait, fellow Arab powers such as Saudi Arabi and Egypt called for the United Nations to intervene. Began with the US led air attack called Operation Desert Storm. They led a 42 day air attack resulting in Iraqi surrender. A cease fire was officially decided on February 28, 1990. Tensions remained high in the middle east leading to the Iraq war in 2003.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Taking office at the end of the Cold War, he was the first president of the baby boom generation. Also during his presidency Clinton put into action the "Don't Ask,Don't Tell" policy in the Army. This meant that sexuality was not meant to be discussed.He was president over the longest peacetime economic expansion. While Clinton was in office, he also managed to get Congress to pass welfare reform laws.
  • 9/11

    On Septemeber 11, 2001, two suicide bombs ran their hijacked planes into the World Trade Center twin towers. Many heros aboard each plane made it difficult for the hijacekrs to reach their destination of the White House or the Capital Building. Both toers that were hit collapsed less than an hour after impact. Thousands of people died that day, This historic event brought to light the fight over terrorism and how to better protect our country,