Taija S Vocabulary Timeline

By Taija S
  • Arroz

    Esperanza Rising "Mama cooked arroz, and Esperanza was surprised that Mama knew how to brown it first in oil with onions and peppers."(Ryan 121) Definition: Spanish word for rice, used in the names of various dishes.
  • Hangar

    The Death Cure, James Dashner " Minho was there in the hangar, waiting for the Berg" page 87. Definition: a large building with extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft.
  • Pandemonium

    The Death Cure, James Dashner "The place turned into a pandemonium, screams filling the air as everyone fled toward the only exit." Page 141 Definition: wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.
  • Render

    The Death Cure, James Dashner
    "It would take about an hour to render all of WICKED's weapons useless." (Park 239)
    Definition- to provide or give (service)
  • Off- kilter

    Off- kilter
    The Death Cure, James Dashner
    "But usually it's just like an itch in my brain, throwing everything off-kilter just enough to bother me- make me angry" (Dashner 247).
    Definition- To not be balanced.
  • Tarpaulin

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs "And she reached up and peeled back the tarpaulin a little, revealing a blue stripe of shifting sky.
    Definition: heavy-duty waterproof cloth, originally of tarred canvas.
  • Omission

    If I Stay- pg 200
    ¨...this was different from all the lying by omission I been doing before.¨
    Definition: someone or something that has been left out or excluded.
  • Lamented

    If I Stay- pg 211
    ¨I put my face in my hands and shook my head. ¨What am I going to do?¨ I lamented.¨
    Definition-a conventional way of describing someone who has died or something that has been lost or that has ceased to exist.
  • painstakingly

    If I Stay- 188
    ¨I checked the liner notes to see which songs Dad had written and then I painstakingly copied down all of the lyrics.¨
    Definition: with great care and thoroughness.
  • infatuation

    If I Stay- pg 189
    ¨...it was the only slow song they ever did; it sounded almost country, probably from Henry´s brief infatuation with hillbilly punk.¨
    Definition- an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
  • Proxy

    If I Stay- pg 180
    ¨Why can´t someone else decide this for me? Why can I get a death proxy?¨
    Definition: the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.
  • Exerted

    If I Stay- pg 192
    ¨Gramps thinks that he somehow exerted pressure on me to change my life.¨
    Definition- apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality).
  • Metamorphosis

    If I Stay- pg 185
    ¨Strangely enough, in some ways Gramps seemed to be upset with Dads metamorphosis as Henry had been.¨
    Definition- a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.
  • Tranquil

    If I Stay- pg 180
    ¨Gran is gone. Willow is gone. The hospital is tranquil.¨
    Definition- free from disturbance; calm.
  • Ventilator

    If I Stay- pg 175
    ¨I´m back on the ventilator, and once again there´s tape over my eyes.¨
    Definition- an appliance for artificial respiration; a respirator.
  • Barricaded (238-269)

    Barricaded (238-269)
    Miss Peregrine's #1 "...But we were barricaded inside the house"(256). Definition- To be locked away with a barrier or a limit.
  • Coterie

    Miss Peregrine #1 pg 257- 271 ¨Some years ago, around the turn of the last century , a splinter faction emerged among our people- a coterie of disaffected peculiars with dangerous ideas" (Riggs 258) Definition A small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.
  • feigned

    Miss Peregrine's #1- pg 277- 290 "So that night I feigned a flue like illness and locked myself in in my room, then slipped out the window and climbed down the drainpipe" (Riggs 278)
    Definition- simulated or pretended; insincere
  • Epileptic

    MIss Peregrine's #1- pgs 301-327 "We ran arm in arm, tripping through a field rent with furrows and ditches, falling and catching eachnother in a epileptic dance." (Riggs 325) Definition-relating to or having epilepsy
    Epilepsy- a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain
  • Quorum

    Miss Peregrine's #1 "Outside the pub, a small crowd was gathered around a quorum of very angry-looking sheep farmers." (pg 201) Definition-the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.
  • Maelstrom

    Miss Peregrine's #1 pg 379
    "When we'd resumed an even keel, we peered into the maelstrom and screamed our friends' names" (Riggs 379). Definition- a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river
  • Tendrils

    Miss Peregrine's #1 pg 344- 382 (End)
    "And like that we slowly made our way toward land, the fog pursuing us always, its long gray tendrils like the ghostly fingers of some phantom hand, ever trying to draw us back"(Riggs 382) Defintion-a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support
  • Runic

    Miss Peregrine's #1 pg 350
    "Near the bottom were some strange markings I couldn't decipher."Runic inscriptions." (Riggs 350) Definition- any of the characters of any of several alphabets used by the Germanic peoples from about the 3d to the 13th centuries
  • Scrutinizing

    The Wave- pg 58
    "Around the room students were scrutinizing their cards and turning them over to see if they had a red X.
    Definition- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
  • Wisecrack

    The Wave- pg 31
    "Ross had expected another wisecrack, and was surprised when it didn't come."
    Definition- a clever and pithy spoken witticism
  • Cults

    The Wave- pg 73
    "He's such a good teacher. He'd never get into anything like cults."
    Definition:a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object
  • Glibly

    The Wave- pg 66
    "His students could glibly spit back answers as if by rote, but there was no analysis, no questioning on their part."
    Definition- readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely
  • Rueful

    The Wave- pgs 116- End
    "They understood what he meant even if he hadn't exactly made sense. Brian made a rueful face" (Strasser 136) -expressing sorrow or regret, especially when in a slightly humorous way.
  • Unbeknowst

    The Wave- pg 124
    "Unbeknownst to you, starting last week, all across the country teachers like myself have been recruiting and training a youth bridge."
    -without the knowledge of (someone)
  • Eviscerated

    If I Stay- pgs 1-30
    "The car is eviscerated. The impact of a four- ton pickup truck going sixty miles an hour plowing straight into the passenger side had the force of an atom bomb"( Forman 15)
    Definition- disembowel (a person or animal).
  • nondenominational

    If I Stay- pgs 40- 84
    "This is the hospital's idea of nondenominational" (Forman 66). Definition- open or acceptable to people of any Christian denomination.