sylvia earle

  • born

    Sylvia Earle was born in Gibbstown,New Jersey
  • 2 week vacation

    Sylvia Earle lived under water for 2 weeks as a part of N.A.S.A
  • "Deeper Rover"

    She and Graham Hawkes had one of their products was one person submersible called Deep Rover.
  • Deep

    She drove 3,000feet the deeoest any solo diver had gone.
  • Chief

    President George Bush chose her to be the chief scientist of National Oceanic and Alomosderic,she was the first woman to hold this place.
  • D.O.E.R.

    She founded her own under sea technology company called Deep Ocean Exploredion and Research.
  • "Jim Suit"

    She donned a heavy plastic and metal suit called "Jim Suit"
  • 5 year project

    She had a major project which was a 5 year study of the National Marine Sanctuaries called the Sustainable Sea Expeditions.
  • "Mission Blue"

    She launched "Mission Blue" to establish marine protected areas world wide.