Summative 1929-1945

  • The KKK

    The KKK
    They spread a message of racial and religious hatred. Burned crosses and beat people who were not "mainstream" Canadian. The KKK had a membership of over 40,000, most joined because of the hate they felt towards non-mainstream Canadians. Usually these were immigrants from central and southeastern Europe.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    The values of stocks dropped dramatically, people started crowded wall st and stock market crashed. Fell into depression.
  • The Regina Riot

    The Regina Riot
    Meeting was called to market square to discus the progress of the movement. Trekkers were disbanding and dispersing, but R.B. Bennett decided to arrest the 8 leaders of the trek. RCMP officers charge into the crowd to arrest the 8 leaders. Crowd fights back with sticks and rocks a police officer is killed and 100 people are injured. the government insists that the rest trekkers go home after riot.
  • Women in WW2

    Women in WW2
    At first only single women were recruited but with so many men enlisting Canada was facing labor shortages. By 1943 there were approximately 225,000 Canadian women working in munitions factories.
    In 1941 for the first time in Canadian history women were able to enlist in the army, navy and air force. They could not engage in combat or carry a gun but did other important jobs.
  • Battle of Hong Kong

    Battle of Hong Kong
    Canadian troops sent to protect, didn't have basic training and learned on the boats carrying them over. Japanese attacked at night by sea. British command called and ignored Canadians pleads for reinforcements
  • Japenese canadians WW2

    Japenese canadians WW2
    Many Canadians were scared with the capture of Hong Kong and the bombing of Pearl harbor, it all seemed to be against them. Some Canadians wanted revenge and struck out at the Japanese Canadians. Many of the JC's were born in Canada and few supported japan's ambitions to take over the Pacific. Many also fought in WW1. in 1942 the opened interment camps forcing the JC's to work out of fear they were spies. Many families were separated and all their belongings sold to the highest bidder.
  • The Dieppe Raid

    The Dieppe Raid
    An allied attack on German helded french port of Dieppe. It was a massacre, the troops sailed to the port with a plan and ramps to get their tanks over the sea wall but the rocks were too smooth and wet the tanks couldn't give a grip to get to the sea wall. The Germans were sitting at the top of the cliff w/ machine guns and rifles picking off allied soldiers. What was left of the allied forces by the end were forced to retreat.
  • Juno beach

    Juno beach
    Northern coast of France called Normandy has a series of beaches that were code named Omaha Beach (US), Utah Beach (US), Sword Beach (British), Gold Beach (British), Juno Beach (Canadians). Juno beach was about 10 km wide. Coastal and fishing villages along this area had been secured and fortified by the Germans. The mission was to capture to secure those areas, cut off road access between the towns Caen and Bayeux, and seize the airport outside of Caen.