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Student Behavior

  • Period: to

    Ages 5-10

  • Ages 5-7

    Ages 5-7
    Child starts to become more independent but still need to be watched. They don’t want to be treated like a baby anymore, and need structure and some responsibility in their lives.
  • Ages 8-10

    Ages 8-10
    They like the test the rules and the limits of the people around them, but still want to be well liked. Overly sensitive and bossy.
  • Period: to

    Ages 11-13

  • Ages 11-13

    Ages 11-13
    Want guidance from parents and parents should lead by example. Easily swayed by peer pressure, and need increased responsibilities. They want a say in their life.
  • Period: to

    Ages 14-18

  • Ages 14-15

    Ages 14-15
    Could show sign of aggression for a multitude of reasons and back talk. Starting puberty and having mood swings because of it.
  • Ages 16-18

    Ages 16-18
    Having trouble communicating their feelings to parents, and acting up in other ways, Misbehaving for a reason. Stressed and becoming their own person.