Street Law

By TainaM.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Thomas Jefferson, who was a member of the Republican Party won the election in 1800. William Marbury, who Adams appointed as justice was one of the ones who did not receive his commission. He then sued James Madison and asked the Supreme Court for a writ of mandumus. In the end it was said that Marbury had a right to his commission, but the Supreme Court did not have to issue a writ of mandamus.
  • McCullouch v. Maryland

    McCullouch v. Maryland
    In 1791, the U.S government created the first national bank. When Jefferson became President, he did not renew the banks charter. Many states did not agree with the bank because it competed with the state banks. Maryland tried to close the bank by making the branch pay 15,000 in taxes. James McCulloch who worked at the bank did not agree and to pay. Then was convicted of violating Maryland’s tax law. Chief justice Marshall rejected Maryland’s vote, with a unanimous vote of (7-0).
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Dred Scott was a Missouri slave who tried to gain his freedom through the court. The court ruled that Scott was still a slave. It said that slaves and their descendants were property and couldn’t become U.S citizens. They also found that the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional. This affected our country because many believed this was a great mistake that the Supreme Court made and it could have been a reason why the Civil War started.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    The Louisiana state which required black and whites to ride in seperate railway cars was said to have violated Plessy's right to equal protection under the law. In the end the court ruled in Ferguson's favor saying that the "Seperate but Equal" law was constitional. This was somewhat a setback for other minorities who wished for equality. The "Seperate but Equal" law lasted utntil1950.
  • Korematsu v. U.S

    Korematsu v. U.S
    Korematsu was convicted of not leaving the west coast during WWII. Which violated the constition. The Supreme Court decided that Korematsu's conviction was indeed unconstitional. This affected the world because it really seperated our country even more and also because it was dealing with the Asians across the world.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The racial segregation in public schools denied equal protection by law that black students could not have an equal education guaranteed by the 4th admendment. In the end the court ruled in favor of Brown after realizing that racial segregation in schools was unconstitional. This was a historical case and changed public school systems forever for America and also had an impact for the rest of the world.
  • Mapp v. Ohio

    Mapp v. Ohio
    Dollree Mapp was convicted after an invalid search was done in her house and illegal items were found in her house. This violated the fourth admendment. In the end the court reversed Mapp's conviction. This was important to our coutnry because until this case states did not need to have a valid search warrant when they found evidence. After this the 4th amendment was strengthened.
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Gideon v. Wainwright
    Clarence Gideon claim was that the 6th amendment said that everyone had the right to legal counsel if you weren't able to afford one. In the end the court decided that the 6th amendment does give the defendent the right to counsel if it a serious crime and they are unable to afford one. This had an impact on America because before this case, courts only had to give counsel for capitol cases.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    The 5th amendment gives citizens the priviledge of not getting theirselves in trouble by getting their rights said to them. The court decided that yes, the 5th amendment does protect you from self incrimination and does have to be provided with their rights. This had an impact on our country because now less people can get incarcerated because you are now read your rights.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines
    John Tinker and Mary Beth Tinker were suspended from their school for wearing black arm bands to protest against the Vietnam War which violated their freedom of speech. The Supreme Court later then turned down the school's regulation which resulted in the students suspension. This is very significant to every student in the world because it's a case which tells you to not give up their freedom of speech in school.
  • Roe v.Wade

    Roe v.Wade
    Norma McCorvey known as Jane Roe wanted to get an abortion but an 1859 Texas law declared that abortions were illegal unless it was in favor of the mother's life. Roe believed that the law was unconstitional and violated women's rights. The court ruled in favor of Roe and took away Texas's abortion law. This changed America because now this made abortion legal and many people have their own opinion on it but it could never illegal again.
  • New Jersey v. T.L.O

    New Jersey v. T.L.O
    Nerw Jersey was against T.L.O because they said that the vice principal did not violate the 4th amendment when he searched T.L.O's purse when she was caught somking in the school bathroom. The Supreme court approved that the principal's search was valid and that T.L.O was a minor. After this case, public school officials are able to search students items without a warrant or probable cause.
  • Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
    The principal of Hazelwood East high school was claimed to have violated the students rights when he deleted two pages of the school newspaper. The two articals were about teen pregnancy and the second article was about divorce. The principal was just worried about the privacy of the students lives. The court decided that the principal did not violate their rights. This is important because it determines that public schools can control the information in school papers.
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Texas v. Johnson
    The state of Texas went against Gregory Lee Johnson; because the Texas Statute is against "desecration of venerated objects" so in this case burning a flag did not violate Johnson's rights. In the end the Texas Statute was found to be unconstitutional. This is significant to our country because after this the law hase been trying to get it reversed atleast 4 times since 2000 but it will not be changed.