Steve jobs2

Steve Jobs

  • Apple

    Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ron Wayne incorporate Apple Computer Inc.
  • Apple is a Hit

    Apple goes public and increases Steve Jobs net worth to over 200 million.
  • Suing??

    Steve Jobs resignes from Apple, and they decide they will sue steves project, NeXT.
  • Pixar

    Jobs buys a division of George Lucas' ILM for $10 million and incorporates it as Pixar.
  • NeXT

    Steve Jobs introduces the NeXT Cube in San Francisco.
  • Pixar??

    Steve shuts down all of Pixar’s hardware operations.
  • Apple again

    Apple is profitable again.
  • iMac

    Steve Jobs introduces Apple's revolutionary iMac.
  • More Mac?

    Steve Jobs introduces the new Power Mac G3 and the color iMacs at Macworld San Francisco.
  • CEO!

    Steve Jobs officially becomes Apple’s CEO and demoes Mac OS X at Macworld.
  • iPod!!

    Steve Jobs unveils the first iPod
  • Period: to
