Stages of Pregnancy

  • Month 1:

    The sperm and egg meet. Ovulation and fertilization.
  • Period: to

    Stages of Pregnancy

  • Month 2:

    The embryo forms. The baby's heart will beat. Facial features developing and fingers and toes too.
  • Month 3:

    The embryo starts growing into a fetus. Organs start developing.
  • Month 4:

    Second trimester begins. Organs done forming. The cartilage forms into bone.
  • Month 5:

    Sweat glands developed. Baby devlops facial features and starts movement.
  • Month 6:

    Baby has a growth spurt. Quickening starts. Fetus can hear sounds and responds to them.
  • Month 7:

    Third trimesyer starts. The five senses are developing. Lungs almost fully develop. The baby can now opne/close their eyes.
  • Month 8:

    Movements and kciks are getting stronger. The brain develops. The lungs are getting stronger.
  • Month 9:

    Less room for the baby to move. Fat forms. Baby starts preparing for birth and gets into position.