SPY's Dividend

  • AAPL Pays Dividend

    AAPL Pays Dividend
    Apple made a quarterly distribution of $3.05. SPY holds 8,558,588 shares of AAPL, making the distribution worth $26,103,693.4.
  • XOM Pays Dividend

    XOM Pays Dividend
    Exxon made a quarterly distribution of $0.63. SPY holds 41,554,840 shares of XOM, making the distribution worth $26,179,549.2.
  • JNJ Pays Dividend

    JNJ Pays Dividend
    Johnson & Johnson made a quarterly distribution of $0.66. SPY holds 26,838,572 shares of JNJ, making the distribution worth $17,713,457.52..
  • MSFT Pays Dividend

    MSFT Pays Dividend
    Microsoft made a quarterly distribution of $0.28. SPY holds 72,262,110 shares of MSFT, making the distribution worth $20,233,390.8.
  • GE Pays Dividend

    GE Pays Dividend
    General Electric made a quarterly distribution of $0.22. SPY holds 96,240,330 shares of GE, making the distribution worth $21,172,872.6.
  • SPY Pays Dividend

    SPY Pays Dividend
    SPY made a quarterly distribution of $0.98025. The fund currently has 845,080,000 shares outstanding, making its quarterly distribution worth $828,389,670.