
Spring 2013 Life of Pi 3rd Chance

  • Black leopard escaped from zoo

    Black leopard escaped from zoo
    When the leopard escapes form the zoo it worried a lot of people and made everybody scared that this would happen again. Even thought she didn't kill anybody, but "the fact that escaped zoo aniams are not dangerous absconding criminals but simply wild creatures seeking to fit in." page 41-42
  • When Pi meet the tiger

    When Pi meet the tiger
    "I'm going to show you how dangerous tigers are, I want you to remember this lesson for the rest of your lives." pg,34-35
    Pi's father is going to show him how dangerous tigers really are. So Babu carryed a live goat into a separate cage to show how tigers eat there pray.
  • Left Madras

    This is when Pi leaves Madras and gets onto the japanese cargo ship named Tismtsum. "On our last day in Pondicherry I said goodbye to Mamji, to Mr. and Mr.Kumar, to all my friends and even to many strangers.
  • The Ship Sank

    The Ship Sank
    This is when the ship sank with all of the animals on board. Also, this is when all the action takes place and bad things start to happen. "The ship sank. It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burb. Things bubbled at the surface and then vanished." page 97
  • Hyena starts to eat Zebra

    Hyena starts to eat Zebra
    This is the part that scares Pi the most, because the hyena starts to eat the zebra even thought its still alive. Pi thought that Orange juice might be the next one in line to be killed, and he didn't know what to do. "I began to tremble uncontrollably. I was convinced the hyena was going to lunge at Orange Juice".