SPAM war timeline

  • The DeLome Letter

    The DeLome Letter
    The following letter is the controversial De Lome letter. The Spanish diplomat's letter was critical of U.S. President McKinley and the prospects for peace . It was leaked to the U.S. press, forcing the recall of the highly capable minister.
  • sinking of USS Maine

    sinking of USS Maine
    The United States battleship was blown up in an explosion which killed 260 men on board on February 15th, 1898. What caused the explosion and who was responsible was a mystery for years.
  • US Declaration of War on Spain

    US Declaration of War on Spain
    Due to the sinking of the USS maine, president Mckinley had no choice but to declare war onto spain.
  • Attack on Manila Bay

    Attack on Manila Bay
    The American Asiatic Squadron under Commodore George Dewey engaged and destroyed the Spanish Pacific Squadron under Admiral Patricio Montojo.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The story has it that Theodore Roosevelt, who was in command of the troops that day, was tired of not receiving orders while the whole battle went down around them and pinned his men down. So ordered a charge on San Juan Hill (technically Kettle Hill first) and was the one who initiated the charge.
    The United States won the Battle of San Juan Ridge and the fighting in Santi
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    the Treaty of Paris is signed, formally ending the Spanish-American War and granting the United States its first overseas empire.