Space Race Morris 3

  • Sputnick 1

    Sputnick 1
    Soviet Union launch there artifical satillite called Sputnick
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Explorer 1 was the first satiellet that United States launched.But many more satilles have been launched by Soviets and United States.
  • Yuri Bagrin

    Yuri Bagrin
    On Vostok 1Yuri Bagrin flew once around the Earth.
  • Frenship 7

    Frenship 7
    Frenship 7 the tiny capsule that orbited the Earth 3 times.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    John Glenn was the first American to ordit the Earth.
  • First Man

    First Man
    The first man on the moon was launch by the Soviets.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 on this mission three american astournts orbited the moon.While in orbit Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin went into the Eagle a tiny spaceship.
  • Sea of Tranquilty

    Sea of Tranquilty
    The Eagle decended with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in it to the Sea of Traquity.
  • Gaileo

    Galileo a spaceship from Shuttle Atlantic flight which took ifared images of Venus and images of astroid Ida before continue to Jupieter.
  • Curiosity

    Curiosity a rover used by Nasa's Science Labrotory mission and this rover land on Mars's surface on August 6 2012.